Principal's Address

Dear Mater Dei Community,
Today’s newsletter correlates with the last week of formal schooling for our Year 12 students. It has been an action packed last week for our Year 12 students that has been full of fun as 13 years of formal schooling come to an end. On Monday evening they held a Games Night and Wednesday and Thursday were great days of celebration, which saw a two‐fold farewell for the Class of 2023.
The week of celebrations saw families joining Year 12 for their Graduation Mass and Awards Ceremony on Wednesday. We were blessed to have Bishop Mark Edwards celebrate Mass, together with Fr Rafter and to have the Director Dr Andrew Watson and representatives of CEDWW, the Presentation Sisters and College Council Chair Mr Andrew McIntosh with us. Family members who could not attend were also accommodated, with the events being live streamed. Congratulations to the Year 12 students who were recognised for their outstanding achievement and their commitment to their studies. Details of the Mass and Awards Ceremony are included in this edition of the Newsletter.
On Thursday, Year 12 attended their special breakfast and final Homegroup. After morning tea the College community gathered with Year 12 and their parents for our annual Farewell Assembly, which was also live streamed to families. It was a joyous occasion. As Leader of Students, Ms Cramp spoke on behalf of the staff about the contribution of the class of 2023 and College Captains, Joshua Shaw and Ellie Clarke recalled memories of by-gone days and also expressed the future hopes of their peers.
One highlight of the gathering was the manner in which the students received their “Mater Dei Cross” and their House Prayer Card. The cross serves to remind our Year 12 students what it means to be a member of the wonderful community at Mater Dei Catholic College; that Jesus is a constant source of forgiveness, hope and compassion; and, to be a disciple of Jesus and to live their lives marked by the words and deeds espoused in the Gospels. Also, the Mater Dei Cross is a symbol that epitomises what the prophet Micah encouraged us all: ‐ “To act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with our God.” The House Prayer Card is a reminder of their enduring relationship with the College as an expression of faith.
After I spoke to Year 12 and wished them well for their upcoming HSC Examinations, the gathering concluded. Immediately afterwards, the graduating class were gifted with individually boxed Graduation Cupcakes before the students and their families departed the College at lunch time.
The morning offered an opportunity to reflect upon the contribution that the Graduating Class has made as student leaders of the College. The Class of 2023 has been an excellent example to the students who will follow their pathway.
Year 12 will be remembered as a spirited and energetic cohort who have been committed to caring and supporting each other as they embraced the many opportunities that 2023 has offered. Their commitment to work right up until the last day has been noted and appreciated with many already receiving early entry to university courses of their choice and offered apprenticeships.
On behalf of the College community I thanked Year 12 for their unique contribution to the College. Year 7, 2018 has all too quickly become the leaving class of 2023. In recognising the efforts of our Year 12 students I also thanked our parents and families for all they have done, with and for the College, over their time as part of the wider College Community. The powerful three way partnership between teachers, students and parents has ensured that our Year 12 cohort is ready for the impending HSC exams.
I ask you to join me in praying that our loving God will be a source of comfort and calm for the Class of 2023 as they approach the impending Higher School Certificate examinations and another step into the future:
Bless our Year 12 students as they prepare to sit for their exams
We ask that they especially feel your closeness during this time
Surround them with love and hold each one in the palm of your hand
Give them calm hearts and quiet confidence in these final weeks
Holy Spirit send them your gifts of wisdom and knowledge.
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen
Announcement of 2024 College Captains, Boarding Captains and House Captains
An important part of farewelling our Year 12 students is the handing on of the “light” from the Class of 2023 to the Class of 2024. At the commencement of the Year 12 Farewell Assembly, I announced the incoming College Captains, Boarding Captains and the House Captains.
It is with pleasure that, after an extensive appointment process which involved applications, presentations, voting by both staff and students, and consideration by the College Leadership Team, I confirm the following appointments for the 2024 school year:
Carroll House Captains - Ava Moller and Brodie Irvine
Kennedy House Captains - Chloe Donelan and Ash Smith
Rosarie House Captains - Tempey Nicholson and Callum Flanagan
Sherrin House Captains - Emma Devries and Julian Garcia Cala
Webber House Captains - Emily Pike and Lincoln Lauder
Mount Erin Boarding School Captains - Jacinta Thomas and Anthony Whelan
2024 College Captains - Emily Saeki and Charlie Schneider
Congratulations to the student leaders for 2024.
I also thanked all the students who nominated for a leadership position. We are blessed with a talented and generous year group in Year 12 next year and while not all could be successful in being appointed to a Captain’s role in 2024, I know that all our nominees will go on to lead in other ways next year at the College.
Staff News
- As per the Compass announcement today, Mr Shaun Ellis has been appointed as Assistant Principal at the College from 2024.
- Mr Laurie Fitzpatrick, our Leader of Curriculum, has announced his intention to conclude his time at the College at the end of this school year after 34 years of service to Catholic Education in the Wagga Diocese.
- Today we farewelled our Drama teacher Ms Amber Walker, who joined the staff this year. She will be replaced next term by Ms Abbey Rumbachs.
- We also farewelled Mr Steve Hughes, who has made a very significant contribution as a member of the Grounds and Maintenance Team over the past twenty years.
Employment opportunities at the College for 2024 are advertised through Teachers On Net.
Refurbishment of Visual Arts Studios
I am pleased to announce that the long awaited refurbishment of the Visual Arts studios into contemporary, open learning spaces that can accommodate our STEAM program, has now commenced. The works will be completed for the beginning of the new school year and will be a significant enhancement for our students’ learning at the College.
Term 4 – Commencing on Monday 9 October for Staff and Students
A final reminder that students commence on Monday 9 October, as the Staff Professional Learning Days are held at the end of the term. Please note that students may wear summer or winter uniform throughout the year. The Uniform Shop opening hours during the holidays have been advertised in the newsletter.
Best wishes to all our families for a relaxing holiday break.
Mrs Val Thomas | Principal