Assistant Principal's Page

from Julie's Desk

How great is it to be back into the routine of school?  The children have already had such great experiences, including an Incursion for Years 1-6 focussing on 3rd World cultures and what it is like to live in 3rd World countries and a Prep animal encounter incursion. Next week we have our Camp Week for Years 3,4 and 5, our Year 6 Artscape excursion, our Year 2 sleepover and a special onsite camp day for Year 1s.  Wow! 

We wish all staff, students and parent/carer helpers well and specifically thank the parents/carers for putting their hand up to volunteer. We have such a great school community!

Tomorrow we invite you to our Whole School Assembly to celebrate the multicultural community that we are a part of. 

Next week we also welcome our 2024 Preps onsite. They will be visiting on Wednesdays and Fridays on a fortnightly basis to ‘practice school' and help staff to get to know them and their families.  Bree, Amy and I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting children in their Pre School environments and speaking to Pre School teachers over the phone as well.  We are excited to welcome the children and new families to our CHPS community and look forward to great partnerships with them.

As per the recent Compass Post pertaining to current world events, please be mindful of the media that your children have access to and support them if they are experiencing distress.  

World events such as these often remind me to be grateful for the things that I take for granted:  safety, food, health, shelter, education, recreation, medical care and access to resources.  In the midst of daily events, may we always remember to be grateful and encourage our children to be too.

Until next time,

Julie Reid, on behalf of the Assistant Principal team