Grade 3 - 4
Students have continued working on their echo reading thi week. They have also worked in fluency pairs. This encourages each student to read to their partner for two minutes, have a break and listen to their partner read, then read for another two minutes. After the four minutes, they write down how many words they were able to read, and their partner can ask them questions to show their understanding of the text.
The students have begun a unit on procedural texts. Students have been learning about the structure and how to set out a recipe correctly. We have been identifying the different types of action verbs and time linking words that will help our procedural texts be easy to understand for our targeted audience.
Students have not only been writing out procedural texts but also testing out how effective their texts are by making the products. They have been making and testing out paper planes and the most fun of all making and eating fairy bread!
Students began to learn about fractions this week. They learned the vocabulary used when engaging with fractions such as numerator, denominator and vinculum. We reviewed wholes, halves, quarters, eighths, thirds and fifths. Students were able to identify the variety of fractions, comparing them to find the greater fraction. They also identified equivalent fractions using visuals.
Students have been learning all about how the first fleet came to Australia. They have been investigating the different ships that were a part of the first fleet as well as the journey taken. We have also been looking at the impact that the first fleet had on the indigenous people and both sides' perspectives.
Respectful Relationships
Students have been learning about communication and ways to seek help from their peers. They have also been learning about how to decide whether to seek help from an adult or a peer based on the scenarios.
Language Conventions
Students have been reviewing how to write a good paragraph and what a paragraph should include. They practised rewriting mixed sentences into one paragraph using the topic sentence, key information and concluding sentence.