Grade 2
Well it has been an action pack fortnight in Year 2! Book Day, Author visit, STEAM show, Father’s Day and a whole lot of learning! We understand that not only has it been busy at school, it has also been busy for families facilitating these fun events and we appreciate your hard work.
In reading we have been learning about narratives, We have been identifying the different elements within a narrative including setting, problem and solution. We have also been analysing characters, specifically how authors use words and illustrators use pictures to show characters actions, reactions, speech and thoughts.
In writing we commence our fairy tale adaptation unit. Students have been encouraged to change different elements of a known fairy tale such as the setting, characters or problem. This form of writing provides wonderful support for our students to become daring in their writing as they have a familiar base. We have really enjoyed reading our students' adaptations on ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and Little Red Riding Hood.’ We encourage families to invite their children to share their stories with them.
Book Day
We celebrate books and the joy of reading on Book Day. Our year 2 students looked amazing dressed as their favourite book characters (we believe the BEST dressed in the school). We strutted and danced our way through the Book day parade, learnt all about writing and illustrating books from Nicky Johnston and participated in a range of book day activities.
Over the last fortnight during mathematics we have developed our skills and knowledge of capacity, area and chance. This topic is always popular with students as it is hands-on and relatable. We have been using water, sand and rice to compare the capacity of containers. Then we used the terms certain, likely, unlikely and impossible to describe the outcomes of different situations.
In well-being we have been learning about being a gender ‘friendly classroom’. We know that male and females can participate in a range of sports, play with different toys and play with males or females. We have also been developing our skills and knowledge in how to ‘call out’ behaviour that is not gender friendly.