Grade 1
Hello Grade 1 Families! In our reading adventures this month, we've been busy little detectives, exploring the exciting worlds of questioning and inferring. We learned that asking questions helps us understand stories better and that our prior knowledge, what we already know, is like a treasure map guiding us through our reading journey. Our young readers are becoming experts at thinking and wondering about what happens next in their books. Keep up the great work, and don't forget to keep those questions coming as we dive deeper into the magical world of reading!
Students have continued their journey of storytelling through writing Narratives. During this fortnight, students had discovered a UFO crash that had occurred at the school near the Grade 1 classrooms… They were shocked to see tin materials, springs, bolts, wires and SLIME on the scene. The students were required to use this experience as a prompt for their Narrative. They utilised their creativity to describe where the UFO came from and why it had crashed. Students have continued experimenting with sizzling starts, conjunctions and punctuation such as commas and exclamation marks to elevate their writing. It has been great to see students using their imagination and creativity to produce some really interesting and exciting Narratives about aliens!
During the last fortnight in Maths, students have continued their learning of sharing and fractions. Students worked on sharing sets of objects equally as well as identifying what halves and quarters are. They also engaged in a variety of hands on activities to consolidate their learning of one-to-one correspondence, specifically using mnm’s and playdough to explore this.
In Integrated, students have been looking at the similarities and differences between daily life in the past and present. Students spent time sharing their favourite toys and discussed whether their parents and grandparents would have had similar toys growing up. We had some fascinating conversations and will continue looking at this in our upcoming Inquiry weeks.