This fortnight in Reading we have been focusing on the comprehension strategies Inferring Emotions and Making Connections. Inferring emotions is using clues from the text and character’s faces to make a smart guess about how the character may be feeling. Students have done an excellent job in linking inferring characters' feelings to our Zones of Regulation - Red Zone, Green Zone, Yellow Zone and Blue Zone. The Preps also practiced Making Connections. This is where we read the word and pictures in a book and consider what does this page, event or book remind me of in my own life.
In Writing this fortnight, we have continued learning about the text features of Procedural Texts. Students have had lots of fun following step by step instructions to successfully make fairy bread and oobleck. They then used this knowledge to write their own procedural texts of “How to make fairy bread” and “How to make oobleck” by writing an appropriate title, listing the materials needed, sequencing the photos in the correct order and writing step by step instructions of the procedure.
Over the last 2 weeks, students have been revising previously learnt skills they’ve learnt in maths over the term. This has included Addition strategies such as counting all and counting on, Subtraction strategies such as taking away from a collection and counting back on a number line, learning how to use the more and less symbols and comparing numbers, as well as measurement terminology surrounding length, weight and capacity. They have participated in many open ended activities to support their learning and showcase their understanding of these concepts. We encourage you to keep up with practising addition and subtraction at home in their everyday lives to further reinforce their learning and are welcome to show their class teacher any work they may practise at home!
In Integrated this past fortnight, we have learned about Indigenous Australians culture, with a specific focus on their artwork and importance to Australia. Our lessons explored the meaning of the colours in their artwork and on their flags and the different symbols used to tell stories. To show our understanding of these colours and symbols, students coloured in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags and searched for meaning in Aboriginal paintings. Symbol stones and flashcards were also used to tell verbal stories to each other.
Last Friday, the 25th, we celebrated Book Week. We started the day by participating in our whole-school book parade. The students had a blast dancing around the gym, showing off their costumes, and high-fiving the audience as they walked past. Our celebration of books continued with a visit from author Nicky Johnston. Nicky shared her sensational books with us and gave us a step-by-step tutorial of how to draw the bunny in ‘Finding Bunny’, a book she illustrated. For the rest of the day, we learned about why we celebrate Book Week and participated in some different book activities. Thank you so much to the families and carers that got the students dressed up for the day. They all looked incredible!