Principal Report

A message and update from Nathan Gage

I would like to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to our incredible volunteers who joined hands in our recent Working Bee to beautify our gardens and create our stunning new sandpit. The beautified garden space across the front of our school, free from weeds and rubbish is a testament to your hard work, enthusiasm, and love for our community. It has really opened up the space and is a much more attractive view from our Batman St entrance.


Our new sandpit has become a hub of creativity and fun for our students. The sandpit not only offers endless opportunities for play but also fosters imaginative thinking and social interaction among our students. Plus also a few grains of sand in the classroom and possibly the backseat of the family car.


I would like to extend a special thank you to Heath, Paul and Elijah C's Grandfather, who contributed significantly the day before the big day - utilising their specialised trade skills to make light work of some of the big jobs with their heavy machinery. Our Buildings and Grounds School Council sub-committee, lead by Ben Coss, played pivotal roles in organising and executing this wonderful project. Your support, vision, and hard work have truly made a difference.


The success of our Working Bee wouldn't have been possible without the countless hours of labor, the smiles, and the sense of purpose each volunteer brought to the table. You have not only improved our physical surroundings but have also enriched the educational experience of our students.



Congratulations to our Year 5/6 students on completing a successful and undoubtedly exhausting camp! Your resilience, teamwork, and determination have been truly commendable. A huge thank you goes out to our dedicated teachers and volunteers who made this experience possible.


As we bid farewell to this memorable camp, let's look ahead with excitement to our Year 3/4 camp at Phillip Island at the start of the next term. It promises to be another adventure filled with new experiences and lasting memories.


Moreover, 27 of our outstanding students will be representing our school at Somers Camp in November. This is an incredible opportunity, and I have no doubt that you will make us proud.