Fathers Day Events

For Father's Day this year, the K/PP class held a Bunnings-style Father’s Day event. The Dads and kids enjoyed making a scarecrow and of course a Bunnings sausage sizzle afterwards. Big thank you to the Hobbs, Sprigg and Lamond families for their assistance in making this day such a success. Special thanks to Mrs Lamond and Mrs Melville for organising such a unique, engaging and fun event. The scarecrows look amazing!
Year 1/2
Our 1/2 class celebrated their Dads (and Mums and Grandpas) last Friday by giving their Dads their own manly makeovers. The Dads were treated to yummy rocky road, whilst having a handmade bejeweled crown, creative tie, and decorated socks given to them. The Dads were able to participate in various activities with their children for the morning. Thank you to Miss Barnes for putting on such a wonderful event.