Year 5/6 Camp

In week 7 our Year 5/6 Class attended camp at Serpentine Camping Centre for three nights. It was a jam-packed camp, with the group hitting the ground running with Bubble Soccer on arrival at Serpentine. On day two, the class attended Fremantle Prison, did a tour at the Kwinana CBH Terminal, and finished the day with Zone Bowling. A highlight of the Camp was on day three, with a Scitech visit. This was followed with a tour of Perth Mint, and Mini Olympics back at Camp in the afternoon. On the final day they had the opportunity to hold some reptiles and birds at the Armadale Reptile & Wildlife Centre.

The camp was thoroughly enjoyed by all and was a great experience for our students.


A HUGE thank you to Mr Pete Geraghty (bus driver) and Mr Duncan Ballantyne (parent helper) for attending and assisting our fantastic staff, Mr Galic, Mrs Nixon and Mrs Walker.


The benefits and rationale behind our biennial Year 5/6 Camp:

  • Enhancement of Year 5/6 learning
  • Social and emotional skill development - living with their classmates and working in teams for team/educational activities throughout the four days
  • Life skills - caring for self, others, following timetables, supporting others in an unfamiliar environment
  • Recognition of emerging independence - daily jobs and organisational expectations
  • Opportunity for new experiences