Eucalyptus House

Hello, my name is Hassan Ali, the Year 8 Eucalyptus SRC. I am enjoying my time as an SRC leader and have shared my thinking with the other SRC reps in the House. 

Some of my favourite things about being on the SRC are to take on the role as leader and being able to be a good role model for students in the House and the school. I enjoy meeting new people who also like to lead like me. I have learnt a lot of new and important things from this position and this can help me when nominating for other leadership positions in the future.


I have helped to make Eucalyptus House a safe and happy place. The House SRC reps meet a few times a term and talk about how we can improve the House for students and staff. We open the House on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for students to socialise and have lunch. Many students also do their homework in E2. The House is closed on Wednesday and Friday, to allow students to spend time outside in the fresh air. It also gives the teachers a break from supervision. We are also working towards changing some of our House displays so that we can take more ownership of what is displayed in the House. 


Students are excited about Multicultural Week and several events have been planned. Cultural performances, food trucks and students are given a day where they can wear their cultural costume. This is a highlight for our school community. We wish everyone a lovely holiday break and see you all in Term 4. 



Hassan Ali

Year 8 SRC

Eucalyptus House

Wednesday 30 August, 2023


Meet the Eucalyptus House Leadership Team!

Evelyn Katsoulis - House Leader
Ally John - Assistant House Leader
Megha Vengilat - Student Engagement Coordinator
Miriam Curnow - Maths/Science Domain Leader
Melissa Sparks - Learning Specialist
Evelyn Katsoulis - House Leader
Ally John - Assistant House Leader
Megha Vengilat - Student Engagement Coordinator
Miriam Curnow - Maths/Science Domain Leader
Melissa Sparks - Learning Specialist