Student Leaders Corner

Term 3 was hectic! With so many whole school events, the community really came together, celebrating Multicultural Week and having a sing-off to see which House would come out on top as the best singers of Dandenong High School.

Chorales came back after 3-4 years and everyone was excited about which House would win. Which House would come out on top? The event ran smoothly despite not having as many participants as the previous years. The Houses all sang hits from the past and present and all joined together to sing a final song. When the time came to announce the winner, everyone held their breaths as gifts were presented to the judges and finally, the Year 12 Leaders stood on stage and the winners were announced. Cheers erupted from students from Eucalyptus as they took first place. The celebrations continued out of the theatre into the foyer as Eucalyptus representatives shouted in joy!


The Multicultural Week brought several performances and foods as everyone was taught about other cultures. It started with a Welcome to Country and a Smoke Ceremony by Uncle Mark from the Bunurong Land Council. Students and teachers gathered around and participated in walking through the smoked eucalyptus leaves. Tuesday brought a Bollywood performance that included and taught students and teachers a dance choreography. The whole piazza was beaming with laughter as everyone looked on. Wednesday brought many different food trucks from various cultures spread around the piazza. Thursday was the day everyone had been talking about for weeks - Cultural Dress Day and the performances led by students were held on this day. The school was buzzing with students dressed up from various cultures and teachers were involved as well! The performances led by students were shown to junior students and Peter and I stepped in as MCs as performances from Afghan, Indian, Samoan and Albanian cultures were shown. The crowd was very enthusiastic and roared with applause and encouragement throughout the whole event! Let's hope this event becomes grander for many years to come.


As Term 3 ended and Term 4 began, my fellow Year 12s busy themselves with studying for the final exams. I hope we can study while taking care of our bodies! Good luck to all the Year 12s and to the juniors and seniors who will also be at the stage of tiredness at this time of the year!




Anahita J

SRC President