Sports News

Year 7 Futsal

The Year 7 Boys Futsal team had a great day out at the Greater Dandenong District Futsal Tournament held on Wednesday 23rd of August. The students exhibited great teamwork, sportsmanship and resilience throughout the day and finished with 2 wins, 1 draw and 2 losses. Special mentions go to Yousuf and Laviin for their goals up front and Odorri for his magnificent saves as the goalkeeper. 

Coach: Mr Green

Team: Odorri E07, Mohammad B07, Mehrab H07, Laviin E07, Irfan C07, Yousuf G07

Year 7 Basketball

The Year 7 Boys Basketball team had a successful day at the recent District Basketball Tournament. They went undefeated, winning all 5 games and will represent the school at the Regional Tournament later in the year. The team did extremely well on the defensive end, which was a key factor in coming 1st place. A special mention goes to Tikoa, as he was named the MVP of the tournament. Great job, boys!

Coach: Mr Green

Team: Wajahat H07, Hadi E07, Bilisuma C07, Tikoa H07, Maxwell F07, Jairus D07, Odorri E07, Ethan C07