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Tasty Techniques in Year 9 English

The Year 9 Darwinia English class participated in a class activity that involved them working in groups to create a menu for their group restaurant. To do this they were required to use a range of language techniques in order to persuade customers to purchase individual menu items. Students then ‘visited’ each others restaurants and ‘ordered’ menu items by writing their chosen item on paper plates, identifying language techniques and explaining the impact they had on them. Students then wrote ‘Yelp’ reviews evaluating the overall effectiveness of language and word choice that the restaurant menu used. In the end, the most ordered item, which belonged to Nic R, won a $10 Boost Juice gift voucher. 

Miss Zahirovic

English Teacher

Cultural workshop at Melbourne Japanese Consulate General

On 27th July, the Year 9 Japanese class attended a cultural workshop organised by the Consulate General of Japan in Melbourne. The students spent some time there learning about the traditional Japanese culture: Sado and Budo. They were also given a trial on the tea ceremony which was presented by Madame Consul-General. 

During the second half, the students learnt about the traditional Japanese martial arts and the cultural significances behind them.


Below are some of the students’ reflections:

I really liked the hosts sharing their personal experience about Japan which inspired me to learn Japanese and to visit Japan in the future. 

- Nina K 9B


The introduction about the Japanese martial art was excellent as I have learned a lot and might want to try them in the future. 

- Cindy I 9C


I really liked both parts as they were so engaging and fun. It was intriguing as they were both new to me. 

- Chandarik T 9D


Thank you to Mr Yuan for having organised this educational excursion as the tea ceremony part was so informative and I learnt about some cultural meaning of it. 

- Jannah A 9B


It was a very fun excursion as I really enjoyed the workshop as well as the yummy Japanese lunch. The teriyaki chicken was so yummy. 

- Alexa V 9F


It was very nice to hold the Kendo sword for real and I also loved the Japanese lunch as it was very authentic. 

- Patrick A 9B


It was an educational excursion as I learned about the Japanese tea ceremony which I saw the real demonstration for the first time. 

- Narges A 9C


I liked the martial art presentation and was able to hold the sword which was very nice. 

- Milad Y 9B


Mr Yuan

Japanese Teacher

Year 8 Humanities Fieldwork Trip

In Week 7, Year 8 Humanities classes went on a Geography Fieldwork Trip to investigate how business improves the liveability of Dandenong. Before they left, students researched the characteristics of Dandenong and the impact of business to develop a hypothesis about how business affects life in Dandenong. Students then developed questions for residents and set out to test their hypothesis by collecting data at the Dandenong Plaza, Hub, Market and another shopping precinct (Little India, Thomas St, Langhorne St, Walker St or Clow St). Students asked questions of members of the public and business owners and made qualitative and quantitative observations of life in Dandenong to test their hypotheses. They also tasted some delightful treats along the way and did some shopping themselves! In coming weeks, students will write up their results and draw conclusions about the impact of business on Dandenong in a Fieldwork Report. We look forward to seeing what conclusions they draw!

Ms Di Mascolo

Humanities Teacher