Community News

Support Your Child's Education with 12 Months Free Internet at Home
The Australian Government has established the School Student Broadband Initiative to provide free home internet for one year for up to 30,000 eligible families with school-aged students.
The initiative aims to boost education opportunities. NBN Co is leading the rollout of this initiative across the country.
How the School Student Broadband Initiative can help your child
Children who can access online learning at home as part of their education are more likely to engage in classroom activities.
Access to fast internet at home can also support children to build their digital skills, learn how to safely use the internet and take part in a world that is more reliant on digital technology.
To be eligible, families must:
* have a child living at home enrolled in an Australian school in 2023
* not have an active National Broadband Network internet service at their home (having a mobile internet service does not affect eligibility)
* live in a premises that can access the National Broadband Network through a standard connection. NBN Co will check this for you after you apply
* register interest with your school and complete a consent form to be assessed for eligibility.
How the School Student Broadband Initiative works
If you are eligible, your home internet service will be provided at no cost for one year with a participating internet provider over the National Broadband Network. Each internet provider has its own step-by-step process to get you connected, which may involve you providing identification.
Once you sign up, the internet provider will help you set up your connection. The initiative does not include devices such as a computer or tablet. Other members of your household can use the internet service provided through this initiative.
The one-year period will start from the day your service is activated with your chosen provider. At the end of the one-year period, you will not be placed onto a paid service by your internet provider without your consent. The Australian Government is considering options beyond the one-year free period.
How to apply
* Complete the School Student Broadband Initiative consent form, which can be accessed here, and return the completed form to the College by 15th September, 2023. Paper copies can also be obtained from the General Office.
* NBN Co will use student address details on the consent form to confirm eligibility.
* If you are eligible, NBN Co will issue a voucher for your family to use to sign up with a participating internet provider. This will be provided to you by your school.
Please note: NBN Co will review the home address for eligibility. No personal information other than your main home address will be shared with NBN Co. Please see the consent form for details about how personal information will be used.
Find out more
For more information about the School Student Broadband Initiative, visit
We have been contacted by Victoria Police with regards to the usage of e-Scooters by school children.
They are particularly concerned with students who have been seen without helmets and carrying passengers and would like to remind students of the rules regarding the riding of eScooters, which you will find below.
We have been advised that in most instances warning will be given to children, but anyone over the age of 14 can be issued an infringement notice for breaching these rules.
If students are using high powered e-Scooters (speeds capable over 25 km/h), this changes the way the police proceed with any enforcement. Under legislation they are deemed as motorcycles, and they will require a licence or learners permit and they are to be registered. Police can provide infringement notices, summons to court or caution notices for high powered e-Scooters.
They would also like to remind parents and carers that e-Scooters are only legal for people over 16 years and over, and to please ensure that your children are safe.
Real XPerience gaming and careers event
The free Real XPerience school holidays gaming event on Friday 22 September 2023 will give Years 9 and 10 students hands-on gaming time and information about how they can turn their passion for gaming into a career pathway through the Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major curriculum.
About the event
The department and games and culture experience company Fortress Melbourne will deliver the one-day event, which will feature panel discussions, hands-on workshops and presentations.
The event will give students key information about careers in a number of vocational education and training-linked industries, including:
- film and content production
- construction
- catering and hospitality
- audio and light engineering.
After the one-day event, years 9 to 10 students can access a week of free game play at Fortress Melbourne, from Saturday 23 September to Friday 29 September 2023.
Event details
- Main event: Friday 22 September 2023, from 10.30 am to 3 pm
- Free game play: Friday 22 September to Friday 29 September 2023.
Location: Fortress Melbourne, Shop 25/23 Caledonian Lane, Melbourne.
Cost: Free.
Registration is essential, through Eventbrite. Limited tickets are available.
This year, schoolies celebrations will run from Saturday 25 November to Sunday 10 December in Victoria, and often beyond this date, across Australia and in Bali and Fiji.
Schoolies is a time for school leavers to celebrate an exciting milestone. However, this shouldn’t mean impacting their health and safety, or causing problems for communities where celebrations are held.
Here are some resources that Year 12 students and their parents may find useful:
- Victoria Police videos on sexual assault, drugs and alcohol, and road safety. To access the videos, refer to Staying safe at school leaver celebrations. Students can also access information on how to have a safe night out and watch out for their friends, through the Victoria Police Personal safety webpage
- Alcohol and Drug Foundation, on making the most of end of year celebrations. This site includes strategies to keep students and their friends safe, including reducing harm related to alcohol and drug use
- Partying safely at schoolies – Better Health Channel
- the Good Times Great Breaks Facebook page, which provides information on what wellbeing support is available in the main Schoolies destinations
- Red Frogs Australia, for programs to help secondary students confidently make positive life choices during Schoolies and other big events. There is a frequently asked questions page and a hotline for parents about Schoolies.
Pakenham Level Crossing Removal Project Latest Update
Please click here for the latest update regarding the Level Crossing Removal Project (dated August 2023) - Henty Street returning to two ways.
Safety Issues at School Crossings
The Cardinia Shire Council met with all of their School Crossing Supervisors recently and asked them to identify the safety issues that they are experiencing at their crossings. One of the most common issues was 'drivers not stopping at the stop line where the flag is displayed'. Many drivers stop at the dotted walk lines. They have provided the following information to clarify the situation.
A driver approaching or at a children's crossing must stop at the stop line at the crossing if:
(a) a hand-held stop sign is displayed at the crossing; or
(b) a pedestrian is on or entering the crossing.
If a driver stops at a children's crossing for a hand-held stop sign, the driver must not proceed until the holder of the sign:
(a) no longer displays the sign towards the driver; or
(b) otherwise indicates that the driver may proceed
If a driver stops at a children's crossing for a pedestrian, the driver must not proceed until there is no pedestrian on or entering the crossing.
Sub-School Contacts
Please find below the sub-school structure for our College.
Please contact your child's Team Leader in the first instance if you require any assistance.
School Canteen
Please click here for the latest price list from our canteen.
This is their basic menu and they offer daily specials in addition to the set menu.
Breakfast Club
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