Senior Report (5/6)

Wominjeka from the GUMNUT COMMUNITY - Jean, Tim, Tom & Annalisa

Celebrating the Growth and Achievements of our Senior Learning Community!

We are excited to share the incredible journey our students have been on so far this term. It's been a remarkable period of personal and academic growth, and here's a glimpse of what they've been up to:

Emotional Growth and Resilience-Building 💪

Our students have made fantastic strides in their emotional growth this term. In our Respectful Relationship lessons, they've been actively exploring positive coping strategies to help them navigate those moments when life feels overwhelming. By learning these valuable skills, our students are building resilience, and preparing for life's challenges, both inside and outside of school.

Empowering Student Voices in Writing 📝

Our writing journey this term has been a hit! Students are embracing our new writing process and using their student voices to create three unique writing pieces by the term's end. Our students are showcasing their understandings of different writing purposes and applying them to write pieces about sustainability. Our students spend four sessions a week working towards their goal of three published pieces that they will share with our cohort for our end of year writing celebration. These writing purposes include persuasive pieces, letter writing, information reports, procedural texts, and narrative pieces. Our teachers  are astounded by the creativity of our students during our teacher led writing conferences. The senior school has already witnessed an astonishing array of diverse writing ideas, ranging from impassioned appeals to ministers and politicians advocating for climate policy change to futuristic narratives envisioning the consequences of ongoing deforestation. Students selecting information reports have evolved into experts on endangered species worldwide, subsequently inspiring them to compose compelling persuasive pieces supporting global conservation efforts.  This encourages them to express themselves in a creative and impactful manner.

Floor Friends and Circle Time

Another essential aspect of emotional development at Wollert Primary School involves the 'Floor Friends' and 'Circle Time' protocols. These practices have proven instrumental in developing social skills whilst providing a way to connect and strengthen relationships. Through collaborating with peers, students are learning to value and respectfully challenge the perspectives of others. During these sessions, a wide array of topics come up for discussion. Most recently, we delved into our thoughts and emotions concerning our impending market day. In our conversations, students explored various stall concepts and contemplated how, as a group, we could harness the funds generated on market day to create a lasting legacy.

Student voice

Our students have discussed their feelings and emotions as the school year draws closer. Our Year 6 students have shared their feelings as their time at primary school draws to a close, whilst our Year 5 students have discussed how it will feel to be a Year 6. Our students shared their feelings about 2024!


What are you looking forward to next year? 


"More responsibility" - Bana

"New classes! I hope my friends are with me!" Hanad 

"I'm looking forward to a high school education" - Gabriel

"Having more students in the Senior Learning Community area" - Luke

"Interschool sports!" - Manjot

"New school, seeing friends from my old school at my high school" - Knann

"Making new friends" - Hamza

"Going to camp!" - Mustafa

"Growing up, getting taller" - Izzan

"Meeting new nice people at Wollert Secondary School" - Sussan

"Doing some different subjects because we are in high school" - Lena


How can we make you feel ready for next year?


"I would like to know what we are learning next year so I can get a head start" - Dinuli

"I'm looking forward to transition days, it will help me feel ready for high school" - Scarlett

"I'm looking forward to reading books in English class in Year 7" - Knann

"I want to know what book we are going to read as a class" - Zaina

"I need a timetable and a map for the high school so I don't get lost!" - Amraj

"I really want to see my friend who is in Year 7 this year; it will be great to have lunch time together again", - Sussan

Sportsmanship and Teamwork on the Field ⚽🏀 

Friday Sports sessions have zeroed in on the sports our school district will compete in during Term 1, 2024. From Cricket to Netball, Soccer to Basketball, our students have eagerly delved into the rules, key skills, strategies, and techniques needed to excel. These sessions have taught them not only the importance of teamwork but also the value of good sportsmanship. We play hard, play fair, and always accept the results, striving for improvement—the 'Wollert Way.' A special thanks to our wonderful staff member Tahlia for capturing the JOY of our 'Soccer Celebration Challenge.', students were encouraged to celebrate their goal as if they were a Socceroo or a Matilda kicking the winning goal! The photos are magnificent!

Sustainability as the Overarching Theme 🌱

Sustainability has been at the forefront of all our learning. Our students are discovering the profound impact of their daily habits on the world around us. They're actively investigating how to make informed choices that lead to more sustainable habits, helping to shape a better future.

This sustainability theme will play a central role in our upcoming inquiry learning, culminating in our exciting market day on December 1st. We can't wait to see how our students innovate to champion sustainability!

The growth and achievements of our students have been nothing short of inspiring. We're proud of their dedication and enthusiasm for learning.

Awards & Acknowledgements

Congratulations to our Senior Learning Community students who were recognised for demonstrating our school value, 'Be Kind'.





Happiest Birthday Wishes to you!
Happiest Birthday Wishes to you!




4 September  Zaina (56B)

5 September  Yossef (56C)

13 September  Dinuli (56B)

13 September  Esila (56C)

17 September  Farees (56C)

19 September  Nadra (56B)

30 September  Amanat (56B)


5 October  Yousef (56D)

14 October  Abass (56A)

16 October  Hanad (56B)

17 October  Manreet T (56D)

20 October Gabriel (56B)



Important Reminder:

-All children must wear a named Wollert Primary School hat.

-Please check out your child's Seesaw portfolio to see their amazing achievements.