Principal's Report

Wominjeka from Leanne


We are so very grateful for the dedication, kindness, joy and care every one of our teachers bring every day to every student in our school. Teaching is a hard gig, that's for sure! However at Wollert I could not be prouder of our team and how our they show up each day to make sure learning happens - we make learning happen for all! This years theme is HATS OFF TO TEACHERS. We did this in celebration of the BRILLIANCE we experience every day. We are so lucky to be in our school with such exceptional people. 



Our school has made a very important decision lately and that is to become a Restorative School. Using Restorative Practices isn’t something we take lightly. We’ve been watching what’s been happening in the world of education when it comes to creating a strong school culture, to building effective relationships, to resolving conflict and to improving student behaviour and bullying. The bottom line is that we think there’s a better way.


Restorative Practices is that way. Working restoratively is really all about asking the right questions to students when things go wrong. You see, most approaches have us putting our detective hats on and focusing everything in the past. It really doesn’t get us very far because we never get to the present or the future.


Put simply, we’ll be asking your children questions like:

· What happened?

· How has that made people feel?

· And what action needs to be taken to make that better?


It’s all about teaching responsibility for your actions and knowing that nobody is going to do it for you. Our job is to help them do just that … better and better and better.


There’s a LOT more to Restorative Practices and we’re going to ensure you find out all of it. Our ongoing Partnership with Real Schools is supporting and resourcing us to make this change and you have access to all the resources too. Just head to the Member Login tab at and use the login/password 'wollertps' to have a look at all that we’re working on at school. Under the Articles tab you will see Parent and Carers - feel free to read any of the content provided. The more we learn together, the stronger the learning for our students.


Stay tuned for more information on this exciting development for our school.



Every four years all schools are accountable to a review process designed to understand the aspirations of a school community and measure the level of success against planned outcomes. This is facilitated by an external Department Team which includes a Reviewer, our School Improvement Education Leader (SIEL) two Principals acting as Challenge Partners as well as our own School Council President, Sweetha Subhas.  

Three days of full school-wide observations, intensive conversations with students, staff and parents within a Parent Focus Group support the evidence collected through school documentation. All of this is summarised, with the opportunity for School Leadership to learn from the findings and enact a school improvement agenda.

As a new school, we have entered into this process early with the intent to create a powerful four year plan (School Strategic Plan - SSP) that will improve how we work and increase the learning outcomes for all students.


Our final Review Day is today, with the development of our 2024 - 2027 SSP occurring in a structured approach over the coming weeks. I will be sharing this alongside our 2024 Annual Implementation Plan with community before the end of this term.

I would like to acknowledge and thank the parents and grandparents who volunteered their time last Monday morning to talk to our Review Team about what is going well and sharing thinking about what could be built on or improved. Our community investment shone through and we are exceptionally grateful for that. 


Remember Monday 6th November is a STUDENT FREE Reporting Day; Students do not attend school on this day