Physical Education

To Friends and Family,
What an absolutely massive term we’ve had! I am so proud of all our students for their persistence, grit and growth mindsets when it comes to learning a new game or sport. In the junior years, we had so much learning to play soccer followed by a range of strategy-based games, including a new game we made up called X-Ball. I’ve been very impressed with the huge amounts of improvement in the hand-eye coordination of so many students. As a PE teacher, I love nothing more than watching someone’s skill level progress as they don’t give up and continue to believe in themselves.
In the Upper Years, we started the term off with Softball. We had so much fun playing this, especially when the bats finally came out and the Catcher’s gear was put on. After softball, we picked up with European Handball, a game I’ve always loved and wished I got to play it at school. It’s a fast-paced, skilful, competitive game that suits our cohort of students perfectly. I’ve also really enjoyed watching some students really stand out and love the game who haven’t necessarily done so before.
This term we had a number of students compete in the District Athletics in Bendigo. It’s always a great day and this time around we really shone with four LPS students progressing to the next stage. Amazing job everyone!!
I can’t wait for next term, the weather always (mostly) allows us to be outside and have a really good run around. Thanks for a great term… I really love this school and the wonderful students who I get to hang out with and play sport with every day (well, 3 days a week).