Year 5/6

Well, we are just about at the end of another term. How time flies when you are having fun!
After spending most of the term learning about the true history of Australia and both the effects of colonisation as well as how Aboriginal peoples were living prior to this, we now have an excellent and powerful understanding about the country we live in. This has included researching, planning and constructing a dwelling that would have been appropriate for different Australian climates and made of natural materials. The students were assigned different regions in Australia and worked in groups to make recreations of these structures. The results were truly amazing and everyone was able to justify their choices and explain how it would be suitable. Finally, to showcase and share our knowledge, we have been writing picture story books for the Preps and 1/2 classes titled “Baby Dark Emu”. We look forward to finishing them off and sharing them with the junior classes.
We have finished up our unit of financial maths and are now knowledgeable in how to plan for and create budgets by calculating costs, change, percentages and best buys. Next time you go shopping, you may like to test your child’s knowledge by adding up grocery items. We have now moved on to orders of operations and using the acronym BODMAS to help us when performing these sophisticated equations. We have all been getting the very catchy BODMAS tune stuck in our heads along the way!
Book Week was another wonderful success this year! The 56C classroom was turned into a candle-lit restaurant for the morning while we got stuck into our 4-coure book tasting (with fruit snacks to accompany!). Each student was given a book at random based on different genres and had 5 minutes to read and give a brief review on whether or not they wanted to keep reading. It was a lovely success, with some students choosing to borrow some of the books later on.
Wishing you all a lovely spring holidays full of rest, fun and family!
We are certainly flying to the end of this term - with just over a week to go holidays will be here before we know it!
We are coming to the end of our Young Dark Emu topic and are writing our own simplified versions of the book to read to our buddies at some stage. We are getting really good at using Canva to make our digital proofs! We also made some traditional Indigenous homes out of natural materials, making sure we considered the environment and climate to make sure the homes were suitable.
Over the past few weeks, we have written some fabulous speeches and we presented them either in small groups or, for those who were feeling brave, to the class. It was great to see so many students using persuasive devices to convince us that their opinion was the right one!
In Maths we are finishing off the term looking at the order of operations (good old BODMAS!) and we are very quickly picking this knowledge up - who knew it would turn out to be not as hard as we first thought?
We hope everyone has a well-deserved rest over the holidays and comes back to Term 4 with lots of energy to get through a massive term that includes the SAKG program, camp and a few excursions thrown in as well!