Year 1/2

This term students have focused on informative texts for our writing unit. We have investigated the structure of these pieces and discussed what we need to include. Students have done a lot of work with facts vs opinions and learnt how to start their pieces in an interesting way to capture the reader’s interest. To support the students learning of our topic this term of ancient Egypt, students have written a variety of information reports on the topic we have covered such as, the Nile River, Gods and Goddesses, pyramids and King Tut.
To commence all the brilliant learning we have done about Ancient Egypt, students have had to choose one topic from our unit to comment on. They have been asked to write a paragraph based on their topic of choice which will be created into a triorama masterpiece. They have learnt the process of drafting, editing and publishing. This has been a wonderful experience to not only see all the learning that has taken place over the term but for students to produce something creative alongside it. This Wednesday was Indigenous Literacy Day. Students had the opportunity to partake in a virtual performance with kids all around Australia. We were led by Justine Clarke, the cowriter of the song 'Words Make The World Go Round' which we performed for our Busking For Change fundraiser. She was accompanied by Indigenous author, Gregg Dreise, who wrote stories such as KooKoo Kookaburra and Cunning Crow. Students learnt about the importance of this special day and listened to Aboriginal children tell stories and sing songs. We look forward to seeing everyone's Egyptian dioramas arrive on Monday next week, where we will showcase them throughout the Grade 1/2 cohort.