Principal's Report

Artist in Residence - 'Bollywood come to LPS'
Every child will have the opportunity to participate and perform on stage, learning simple yet impressive dance routines based around Indian movement and rhythms.
The show follows a story around the seasons of India from Divali, the Indian new year and festival of lights, to the wedding season, monsoon, rainy season, drought, spring and harvest season, where people rejoice and celebrate the cycle of new life. Each class will be taught a dance or musical item during the residency.
This is a free event for all of our students with thanks to Student Wellbeing Boost funds. Parents/carers are required to give consent on Compass for students to participate in this event.
There will be a full week of rehearsals during school hours, culminating in a whole school evening performance on Thursday 5th of October at 6pm in our school gym.
Costume requests: We ask that you assist your child to wear the colours requested. Please see the table below. Please reach out to your child's classroom teacher for any assistance.
Class | Costume Colour request |
Preps | Black/yellow |
1/2J | Blues/green |
1/2C | Multicoloured |
1/2W | Orange/red/yellow |
3/4T | Orange/red/yellow |
3/4N | White/light coloured |
5/6T | Multicoloured |
5/6C | Orange/green/white |
Performance Thursday 5th October: Students will return to school at 5.30pm to prepare in classrooms, then the performance will be from 6-7pm in the gym.
Footy Day
On Friday 15th September students can come dressed in their favourite colours from any code- AFL, Rugby, Soccer, Netball and they will participate in skills and drills activities lead by our Year 6 team. We will also have a festival of colour parade to show our team spirit during the assembly on Friday morning at 9:10am, everyone welcome.
Lancefield Show and BBQ
Lancefield show is set to take place on Sunday 15th October and LPS has traditionally run a BBQ. We need volunteers to make this work so please contact the office if you are able to assist on the day with collection of the trailer, time on cooking/serving, returning trailer. Thank you.
SunSmart Season
We have now moved into official SunSmart season. From 30 August to 30 April, all students must wear a sun protective hat that shades the face, neck and ears for all outdoor activities. School hats are available to purchase from the office for $10. Students are encouraged to apply sunscreen as part of their getting ready for school routine and can reapply at school if required. It is important to notify the office and your child's teacher if your child is allergic to sunscreen. If a student doesn't have a hat there is a shade sail area where they may play outside. You can also view the SunSmart widget on our website and full SunSmart policy.
Trivia Night Success
A massive thank you to all of our parent/carer helpers and community members who donated to, supported and participated in our Trivia Night. Thanks to everyone that helped make it a success and to Prudence and Natalie for their coordination of the event. An incredible $9,231.93 was raised on the night thanks to the generosity of our families and friends. We received donations and goods from families, local businesses and those further afield and would like to extend our thanks to them for their support of our school.
Landcare Working Bee
Please see community notices for details but a reminder that if you are attending and would like lunch please make sure you RSVP. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Last Day of Term 3
Reminder that on the last day of term, Friday 15th September students will be dismissed at 2:15pm. We wish everyone a happy, fun and safe holiday with some warmer and drier weather to enjoy!