Prep News

We have had another busy and fulfilling term in Prep! Some of the events that we have done include a Lego Incursion, 100 Days of School, Don't Move Puppet Theatre, Bushwahzee, Pyjama Day, Ascent Shoelace incursion and the Book Week Dress Up Parade. Each activity has been engaging and exciting for the Preps



Of course, we have also been working very hard in our classrooms! 


In Reading we have been focusing on the comprehension strategies of summarising and questioning. To summarise, we give detail about the most important ideas from the beginning, middle and end of texts. To question, we share what we are still wondering about the text after it has finished.  


In Writing, we have begun to write narratives. Our narratives include characters, a setting and beginning, middle and end. We enjoy being creative with our writing!


In Maths, we have been working hard on sharing between equal groups. We understand that equal means a fair share.