Student Voice

Miss Carly Epskamp

For this week's newsletter students were asked about their favourite Term Three activity.


Violet 1G - The thing I loved most about school this term was maths because it was fun. My favourite thing was learning about sharing.


Wills IG - I loved Reading this term because I liked summarising. I liked writing information reports. I liked doing maths because some things were easy and some things were hard.


Nilia 1G - I enjoyed Term Three because I learnt so much about sharing and division. I enjoyed writing summaries. I also had fun making information reports.


Alexandra 1S - I have enjoyed learning about time in maths.


Yas 1S - I have enjoyed practicing my spelling words and doing my spelling test.


Benjamin 1S - I have enjoyed doing narratives this term and reading fairy tales.


Leena A 1L - I have been really excited for our school disco and to dance with my friends in our class.


Octavia C 1L - My favourite thing about this term was Book Week and I got to dress up as a fairy!


Matthew R 1L - I loved Bushwahzee because it was so much fun. I got to dance in funny outfits and my mum and dad watched me.


Max 2Q - In Wellbeing I learnt about being respectful. Being respectful means being kind, not being a bully and using your manners.


Benita S 2Q - In Tribes I learnt about listening to teacher instructions, because someone might get hurt if they don’t follow instructions.


Bella P 2Q - In Tribes I learnt about what to do in different situations out in the playground. 


Nicolas 2S - I have valued my Wellbeing lessons this term because we had the opportunity to make new friends.  


Valerie 2S - I am glad I had wonderful friends this term who played and supported me at this lovely school.  I loved how my kind teacher helped me with my positive spelling this term. 


Rock 2S - This term has been fantastic, people are being respectful to each other.  


Damien 2M - I like Tribes because I can see other people from different grades.


Alice G 2M - I like the fun activities we do in Tribes. We learn about new things like being respectful.


Ricardo L 2M - I like going to my Tribes class because we play games and use the Yes/No cards.


Hannah 4S – This term I really liked Art and how we used our imagination to paint animals.


Evelyn 4S – I enjoyed looking at Aboriginal artifacts and learning about their culture.


Avash 4S – This term I loved learning about angles and making them on clocks and the angles art work.


Alisha 4WB - I enjoyed Athletics Day because I like running and achieving things. I’m very excited about the Disco on Friday too.


Anna 4WB - The inquiry projects that we’ve done this term have been my favourite thing– they let us do more research about topics that interest me. We’re currently doing the First Peoples project, and we’ve learnt a lot of new and interesting information.


Chris 4WB - I've had fun with my friends this term. I like helping others out, and making new friends. I’ve enjoyed learning lots of new things in class and also in PE. Pyjama Day and the Book Week Parade were lots of fun too.


Savannah 6M - I've really been enjoying getting to know my class mates this term. I feel like we've become like a big family, and I've enjoyed the laughs and shared memories we've created within the classroom. 


Ranvir 6M - I've really enjoyed our Deakin Science lessons. We have learnt so much about the Periodic Table and the States of Matter (Solids, Liquids and Gases). The interactive lessons have been my favourite,  where we made ice-cream. This taught us how liquids can transform into solids and transform back to liquids again. 


Arsham 6M - This term I've really enjoyed reading the class novel "Sick Bay". I loved how it portrayed a different perspective to primary school and I could easily relate and connect to the characters as they are primary school students in Grade Six just like me.  I enjoyed reflecting on each chapter and writing about different events that occurred in the story as well as taking notice how the respective characters felt in these moments. 



Dorsa 6J - This term we went to Athletics. I enjoyed high jump and I did not give up! I also liked spending quality time with my friends on Athletics Day.


Shihong 6J - I have enjoyed doing sport this term. It was fun! I really liked running and high jump!


Tvisha 6J - I really enjoyed athletics day because I didn’t give up and persevered. I also enjoyed it because I won many ribbons and cherished moments with my friends.


Cyreentra 6C - This term was very fun as the grade 6’s did many fun activities, such as a cooking class which took place at Doncaster Secondary Collage. We made burgers and coconut balls that tasted delicious. It was very fun as I got to be with my friends, and we made food by ourselves.


Zoe 6C - I was living overseas for three years, and I’ve returned to Doncaster Primary School and I’m so happy to be back!! On the first day back, my friends were waiting for me at the gate. The activities I enjoyed this term were cooking and athletics.  We cooked hamburgers at Doncaster Secondary College, and they were yummy, I learnt to cook!! On Athletics Day I was in the Flinders and Phillips group, and I liked the hurdles. I also enjoy Art and drawing with paints, and finally I enjoy Maths because it’s easier than Maths in China.


Lavina 6C - During Term Three the activities that I enjoyed the most were cooking at Doncaster Secondary College and Athletics Day. My favourite events were the 800-meter sprint, shotput and discus.  We got to stay in our house colours, and I am in Lawson. Monash and Lawson were grouped together for 12-to-13-year girls.  We competed in many sports, while some of us didn’t win medals, we tried our best to win medals. This term, the Year Six students also cooked at the commercial kitchen at Doncaster Secondary College, we made hamburgers and coconut balls, we learnt many new skills, teamwork and ate delicious food.