Assistant Principal's Report

Miss Carly Epskamp

Welcome to our final newsletter for Term Three. It has certainly been a busy term with lots of exciting things happening around DPS.


To start this report I'd like to introduce our new students who have started at DPS in the last two weeks. Welcome to our wonderful school Alessia 2Q, Yahan 6J & Pak Hei 5C, Thank you for choosing Doncaster Primary School, we are so happy to have you and excited to build connections with you and your family. We are sure you will love your time here. 


August Attendance

A huge congratulations to our 225 DPS students who have come to school every day in August. You are superstars! Some of these students include: Sofia 2S, Elena 5C, Max 4S, Chloe 2S, Nathaniel 4S, Kate 4S, Jasper 5C, Zoey 5C, Sungmin 5C, Will 4S, Janelle 5C, Harry 5C, Luka 4S, Shermaine 2S, Roxana 4S, Eshan 2S, Amanda 4S, Kiki 5C, Hubert 5C, Chloe 4S, Gabriella 4S, Leila 4S, Toby 2S, Frank 5C, Ethan 4S.

Well done and keep up the great attendance. Remember it is not ok to be away!


Professional Practise Day

On Monday, teachers had their first Professional Practise Day for the year. They used the day to collect and compare work samples, analyse data and plan collaboratively for the units of work that are still to come in Term Four. We hope the students enjoyed the extra time at home with their families.   


Sovereign Hill Excursion

On Tuesday the Level Five students went all the way to Ballarat to visit Sovereign Hill. We got sent some wonderful updates and photos throughout the day and the students appeared to really enjoy themselves. Thank you to all of the staff who attended this excursion and a huge thank you to Mrs Keen for organising the day. You can check out the Level Five Sovereign Hill page as part of this newsletter for more information.  


District Athletics

Congratulations to all 48 of our students who attended District Athletics on Wednesday with Mr Spinks and Mr Johnson. DPS finished 6th overall with lots of students placing in their events and earning the school points. Well done to all participants, DPS are proud of your efforts and achievements.   



I am super excited about the JSC Disco, which will be held this Friday and hosted by a professional entertainer. Students will have the opportunity to attend the Disco Party to dance and sing karaoke for 1.5 hours with their friends and classmates. Students are encouraged to come to school dressed in disco themed clothes including fluro colours, silver and gold. Prizes will be awarded for best dressed. This is going to be an EPIC event!   


Staff Vs Students Netball Game

Next Thursday the Level Six students will play a netball game against some of our wonderful DPS staff. Last term we had a Staff Vs Students basketball game with the teachers walking away with the victory. Who will win this time, teachers or students? We are expecting a lot of classes to attend and cheer on the players.  


SWPBS - School Wide positive behaviour

We continue to explore our school wide approach to teaching and managing behaviours through the SWPBS framework. All classes have been explicitly taught behaviours off the Matrix this term. Teachers in classrooms and on Yard Duty are continuing to look for students that are displaying behaviours from the 'Be Respectful' and 'Be Safe' section of the matrix and giving students coloured wrist bands. Some examples of being respectful are greeting people in a positive manner, speaking respectfully, looking after equipment and showing self respect . Some examples of being safe are using equipment correctly, following teacher instructions, walking on paths, staying within the schools boundaries and keeping our hands and feet to ourselves. Students are working really hard to earn wristbands and get holes in their punch cards. We are VERY close to earning stars to put in our jar at the office, which leads to a whole school reward. Keep up the great work DPS students!


Respectful Relationships

We continue our whole school approach of Respectful Relationships. In Respectful Relationships there are 8 topics that we focus on across the year. They are: 

  1. Emotional Literacy 
  2. Personal Strengths 
  3. Positive Coping 
  4. Problem Solving 
  5. Stress Management 
  6. Help Seeking 
  7. Gender and Identity  
  8. Positive Gender Relations 

Next term students will be exploring a new topic. We can really see the impact this program has on our students and the culture at our school as we learn how to appreciate and understand diversity across our school. We have very accepting and inclusive students.  


I hope you all enjoy the last week of Term Three next week and have a fabulous two week break. We look forward to all students returning on Monday 2nd October.


Carly Epskamp

Assistant Principal