Student Recognition Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received a student recognition award! | ||
PM | Elsa | for her wonderful creativity and resilience displayed during our writing lessons. Well done! |
PM | Malek | for consistently showing initiative both in his learning and helping around the classroom. Well done! |
PP | Ameyn | for making a great start at DPS! Well done showing independence and motivation to learn English. |
PP | Siqi | for being a wonderful friend. You have been so helpful and caring! |
PW | Onaysa | for being a capable student who can learn and achieve whatever she sets her mind too. Keep it up Onaysa! |
PW | Nik | for consistently demonstrating a diligent work ethic and believing that he can always improve his work. Well done Nik, keep up the great work! |
1G | Megan | for consistently working hard to achieve her very best and using all class time wisely. Well done Megan. Keep aiming high! |
1G | Nick | for wonderful effort and improvement with his writing. Well done Nick! Keep up the great effort! |
1L | Jordan | for being a responsible and helpful student of 1L. Jordan is always first to offer his help to others during class activities and cleans up the classroom at the end of the session. Well done Jordan! |
1L | Octavia | for consistently applying the best of her ability to all work tasks. Octavia is a very hard worker who sets high standards for herself! Keep it up Octavia! |
1L | Shiyu | for her improvement in her writing skills and the amount of work she is completing within the session. I am so proud of your hard work Shiyu. Well done! |
1S | Evelyn | for making improvements with your writing. You have been trying your best to add detail. I am so proud of you! |
1S | Theo | for trying your best with working out worded division problems. Keep up the fantastic effort! |
2M | Bella C | for always looking after her friends. Thank you for being such a kind and valuable member of 2M. |
2M | Melody | for working hard in her reading and writing. Well done, Melody. |
2S | Hana | for your positive attitude towards your learning. Well done! Keep up the great work. |
2S | Rock | for making great choices at playtime. Well done. |
2Q | Benita | for being a great friend and helping your classmates. Keep up the good work! |
2Q | Reon | for always wanting to challenge yourself during Maths lessons. Well done Reon! |
3B | Casey | for her hard work and focus on developing her ability to summarise a fiction text. Well done taking on the learning during our mini lessons and applying the skill independently Casey. |
3B | Raaif | for showing excellent growth in his understanding of division. His focus and determination during class resulted in wonderful growth, shown in the excellent result he achieved on the post test. |
3G | Mietta | for your dedication and hard work that has resulted in a wonderful improvement in your summaries of fiction texts. Keep up the great efforts, Mietta. |
3G | Naman | for your focus on improving your presentation, along with editing and revising your work before handing it in. Great work, Naman! |
3Q | Aneesa | for showing exceptional dedication and effort towards mastering arrays! Your hard work and perseverance have not gone unnoticed. Your ability to effectively manipulate and utilise arrays is truly impressive. Keep up the great work! |
3Q | Bonnie | for showing determination and perseverance in practicing arrays. Despite any challenges you faced, you consistently put in the effort to improve your understanding. Your dedication and resilience are truly inspiring. Well done Bonnie! |
3Q | Teleah | for showing resilience and persistence during your spelling journey! Your dedication and determination have truly paid off. You have shown incredible strength throughout this process, and I have no doubt that you will continue to achieve great things. Keep up the amazing work! |
4K | Jerry | for displaying the school values around the school and helping others reach success with his caring and positive spirits. Thank you for being a great role model |
4K | Rafaela | for consistently handing in her homework on time and demonstrating her determination to succeed in the classroom by asking question and always trying her best. Well done! |
4S | Layan | for being a critical thinker and creative learner, who enjoys new challenges. Keep up the great work! |
4S | Evelyn | for consistently showing persistence and aiming high with all learning tasks. You’re a star! |
4WB | Kiki | for your thoughtful contributions to our vocabulary wall of persuasive language. Great work Kiki! |
4WB | Ivan | for your hard work on making your persuasive text 5-star quality work. Keep up the persistence! |
5C | Satia | for always working hard in class and giving everything a good go! Your effort and endeavour does not go unnoticed in the classroom! Keep it up. |
5E | Sayna | for making a great start at Doncaster Primary School. You have adjusted so well and have formed lots of great friendships. It is a pleasure having you at DPS. |
5E | Davin | for always working so well in class. You always try your best in everything that you do and have shown great improvement. Keep up the great work! |
5K | Steven | for showing improved confidence in speaking and writing in English. Well done, Steven! |
5K | Valencia | for always putting 100% into everything that she does. Valencia is a high achiever who continues to challenge herself. |
6C | Kianoush | for displaying a positive attitude towards his learning, especially his work in Mathematics. Well done Kianoush! |
6C | Everybody | for displaying a fantastic attitude during the Cooking Lesson at Doncaster Secondary College. Everyone worked as a team throughout every process including food preparation, cooking and cleaning. Congratulations and well done. |
6J | Georgia | for getting actively involved in maths class discussions. Keep sharing your valuable ideas. |
6J | Kaily | for getting actively involved in maths class discussions. Keep sharing your valuable ideas. |
6M | Eason | for working really hard on all class activities this week as well as remaining focused and on task. Well done Eason. |
6M | Parsa | for working well independently to complete his reading activities. Well done Parsa! |
Congratulations to the following students who have received a student recognition award in a specialist class! | ||
Art | Chloe Y 2M | for being a beautiful student who strives to do her best at all times. We are so lucky to have Chloe in our class. Well done! |
Art | Harper 1L | for being a motivated and independent student with a great love of learning. Well done Harper! |
Art | Lochlan 3G | for his happy, helpful and enthusiastic attitude in Art! Keep smiling Lochlan! |
Art | Kiki 4WB | for always trying your best. Kiki is always enthusiastic and helpful in the classroom. Thank you Kiki! |
Art | Elijah 5E | for always producing such a high standard in all areas of his learning and being a great leader in 5E! Well done, Elijah! |
Art | Cohen 5C | for his excellent attitude to all learning tasks. Cohen contributes great ideas and is a kind friend to others. Well done, Cohen! |
Cultural Studies | Elina 3G | for being one of the first students to add a book to the ‘Authors of DPS’ shelf! Well done on being a published author, Elina! |
Cultural Studies | Avina PM | for doing beautiful work during Cultural Studies! Your pictures are beautifully drawn and coloured. Well done, Avina! |
Cultural Studies | Ruchen 3Q | for being one of the first students to add a book to the ‘Authors of DPS’ shelf! Well done on being a published author, Ruchen! |
Cultural Studies | Terrence PP | for improved concentrating during working time in Cultural Studies. Your work shows real improvement! Great job, Terrence! |
Cultural Studies | Alessia 2Q | for a great start to your time in Cultural Studies! You are keen to participate in discussions and complete your work to a high standard! Good work, Alessia. |
Cultural Studies | Sammie 1L | for enthusiastically contributing your ideas during Cultural Studies discussions. You are always one of the first with your hand up! Great job, Sammie! |
LOTE | Cavan 4K | for willing to participate in all class activities and approaching his work with a positive attitude. Well done Cavan ! |
LOTE | Addison 4S | for willing to participate in all class activities, including oral practice with gestures. Well done Addison! |
LOTE | Vivaan 5E | for being a caring and enthusiastic student, working well in LOTE lessons. Well done Vivaan! |
LOTE | Valencia 5K | for developing good Chinese oral skills and responds well during class discussions. Well done Valencia. |
LOTE | Samuel 6C | for approaching LOTE lessons with eagerness and confidence. He shows initiative by helping around the classroom. Thank you, Samuel. |
LOTE | Amelie 6M | for approaching her work with a positive attitude and continues to make good progress. Well done Amelie. |
P.E | Atrina 6C | for her steely determination to finish the 100m hurdles in 4th position after falling heavily midway through the race. What an inspiration! |
P.E | Logan 5K | for his amazing second place in the long jump at district. What a mighty effort! |
P.E | Sebastian 5E | for blitzing the field in both the 800m and 1500m races at the District Athletics event. Great work Seb! |
P.E | Violette 5E | for putting herself out of her comfort zone and competing in 3 events at the District Athletics event. You should be extremely proud of your effort Violette! |
P.E | Alex 6J | for winning the discus by over 3 metres in the District Athletics event. Amazing job Alex! |
P.E | Kirsten 3G | for getting herself more involved in our game- based activities. Kirsten is moving out of her comfort zone and is improving her skills and confidence as a result. Keep it going Kirsten! |
Science | Sophia PW | for her hard work in our science quiz, Sophia did incredibly and showed how much she has learnt this term! |
Science | Alex 1S | for her continued hard work is science, you always listen and try your best well done! |
Science | Olivia 3B | for always putting in her best effort during science, amazing job! |
Science | Olivia 4K | for always being ready to join in the class discussion and for helping her peers, amazing job! |
Science | Edward 5K | for his participation and hard work in science, Edward is always a great contributor to class discussions. Well done! |
Science | Herald 6C | for his helpful attitude during science, Herald is always helping out and doing his best. Well done! |