Principal's Report
Mr Jim Hill
Principal's Report
Mr Jim Hill
Hi DPS Community,
As you know NAPLAN takes place every year for students in Year 3, 5, 7 and 9. This year our students have done very well and performed well above the state average in all areas. Compared to the whole country Victorian students have done well across the board. David Howes the Deputy Secretary of Education has sent a letter to all schools and asked that we share it with our communites as he is justifiably proud of our achievements.
Dear Parents and Carers,
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assessments held earlier this year had a very high participation rate from Victorian students, with participation levels returning to pre-COVID levels.
Last month, families with children in grades 3 or 5 or years 7 or 9 who participated in the assessments received their results through an individual NAPLAN report.
Today, the statewide results have been released, and I am pleased to have this opportunity to provide some information about Victoria’s performance.
There are a total of 20 tests each year across grades 3 and 5 and years 7 and 9 that assess student achievement in reading, writing, numeracy, spelling, grammar and punctuation. Of the 20 tests, Victorian was ranked first or second in 16, more than any other state or territory, and an improvement on the 2022 results when the equivalent figure was 12.
NAPLAN results for Grade 3 are of particular importance because the first 3 years of schooling establish the foundation for further success. Victorian Grade 3 students achieved the highest results in the country for both reading and numeracy.
In secondary schools, Victoria had the lowest proportion of students needing additional support in both years 7 and 9 in both reading and numeracy compared to all other states and territories.
The results have also highlighted the fact that we need to continue our efforts to close the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students. While Aboriginal students in Victoria achieved higher results on average than in other states and territories, the gap between the performance of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students is still too large, as is the gap between the average performance of metropolitan students and that of regional students.
Overall, however, while we are clearly focused on the areas where further improvement is needed, these are excellent results. They are a tribute to the outstanding work of teachers, principals and staff in the schools across our state.
No one would suggest our schools are perfect. Education is always an unfinished business. But on the evidence of today’s release of the statewide NAPLAN results, Victorian teachers and school principals are doing a great job.
Dr David Howes
Deputy Secretary, Schools and Regional Services
In this newsletter, I am pleased to provide an update on the recent developments and achievements at Doncaster Primary School. Our students have shown a great deal of dedication and commitment to their studies, and our teachers continue to demonstrate their passion and dedication to their roles. I like to think this is in line with our values – Determination, Pride and Success because their hard work is commendable and we are seeing some excellent results.
I am delighted to share that our recent review was a resounding success, and I extend my thanks and gratitude to everyone who contributed to this achievement. The review panel of nine people, was thoroughly impressed with our school, a testament to the combined efforts of our staff, students, and the entire school community. One particular aspect of the review was how students feel about their teachers. It was so good to hear them speak in such high regard about their teachers, each other and the support they feel from all at their school.
We continue to work hard so that we can offer a diverse range of activities and events to enrich the learning experience for our students. It is true, we enjoy excellent results, and yes it is true we have a high percentage of our students operating well above expected level, but it is also important that we offer activities to develop the whole child. Academic progress is vital to growth, but we must also provide opportunities to develop problem solving, social skills as well as catering for students who excel in being creative through visual and performing arts. Some of the notable activities and events since our last meeting include:
- Principal's Day
- Bushwahzee
- Book Week
- Science Week
- Father's Project Evening
- Reptile Incursion
- Indigenous Awareness training for all staff
- Book Parade
- Whole School Assembly
- PJ Day
- VPA Conference
I am thrilled to announce that we have made significant additions to our staff. We have successfully recruited a new Performing Arts teacher. After a merit based selection process we have appointed Gareth Dutlow to this position. We have also appointed two more Education Support staff members. Keyla Gleciano and Ally Hua will greatly enhance our early years Literacy and Numeracy programs, ensuring that our students receive the best possible support for their education journey with a strong focus in the formative early years.
Once again, I extend my gratitude to the entire school community for their ongoing dedication and commitment. We have all the ingredients for success here at DPS and following our review it is time to take the next step from being a good school to a great school. It is through our collective efforts that we continue to maintain the high standards and reputation of Doncaster Primary School and as I have said many times before, together we are better.
Thank you for taking the time to read my report, and I look forward to your continued support.
Students love to work in our veggie garden, and they also enjoy looking after our chooks.
Our Level 3's have recentltly been learning about our community, and our teachers have created this fabulous display of student work.
DPS has a diverse student and family demographic. We have a number of cultural backgrounds which is wonderful and something to embrace and celebrate. Throughout our recent review process it became apparent that our students have a strong sense of belonging and they feel they are well connected and supported by their teachers and each other.
At DPS we welcome and embrace all students and their families. We aim to support students in their academic development but also in their personal growth. This is why we offer a wide range of activities and events such as swimming, camps and excursions.
We welcome and embrace students from diverse backgrounds, and we do the same for staff. We want our staff, irrespective of their background, be that cultural or personal to feel welcome and supported in their efforts to do their best for our students.
Our values are DETERMINATION, PRIDE and SUCCESS, and we promote and expect everyone to uphold these. As your principal I am determined to work hard to provide the best well rounded education for all students. I am also determined to support our staff to be their best, for our students and each other.
I am very PROUD to lead such a wonderful school which is wonderful due to the commitment, team work and strong sense of belonging we all enjoy as we come here everyday. Our SUCCESS is thanks to the support we have from our broader community. Our students do very well, they are happy, confident, well adjusted and successful.
Victoria has a strong and vibrant education system that celebrates diversity and is committed to supporting the achievement and participation of all students. Inclusive education acknowledges that some children and young people have intersecting identities or additional needs that schools may need to take into consideration. These identities may relate to:
Irrespective of how our students identify we value what they bring to school each day and are committed to supporting them. I can reassure you that while this is the case, we will not take any significant steps without full consultation with our community. I have heard that some parents fear unisex toilets may be in the plan. This is not the case. There has also been some media coverage of schools making big changes to how they operate. Often these media reports discuss extreme cases. It does seem that the world is changing however, my message to you is that our focus is on being respectful first and foremost. Our priority will continue to be education and of any changes were to take place you will be well informed (but this is extremely unlikely).
If you do have any concerns, or would like to chat about the above or anything at all please accept my invitation to come in and have a chat as my door is always open.
Jim Hill