
Bawden Sensei

こんにちは、”Konnichiwa” from Japanese class! 


We have been busy this term and one of the highlights was the calligraphy lesson last week. We have learnt about Atomic Bomb Day in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the 6th of August. Then we made a paper crane after we read about Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes two weeks ago. We practiced and learnt how to write Peace in Kanji in the Calligraphy lesson.  This was a great challenge for the first time, and  I was very impressed that they didn't make too much of a mess on their uniforms.


For the last week of this term, we are planning to have the first Japanese Fun Day on the 14th of September. We will start off with parade with Japanese costumes so please stay if you have a time to watch our creative Japanese costumes. (Let's get ready to think what students will be able to wear on that day!) We also have Japanese drum incursion for students to try Taiko (Japanese drum). There will be Kendama competitions in all levels, Japanese Fan making sessions and more. I am finalising the plan for the Japanese Fun day for the last day of this term.  I will let you know shortly about all of the events for our very first Japanese Fun Day.  


That is all from Japanese class. 


Please do not hesitate to ask any inquiries or suggestions to the Japanese class!

Bawden Sensei
