Learning and Teaching - Maths

Mathematics at STM

The Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) was held between 2 August and 4 August. The competition is an opportunity for students to test their problem solving and critical thinking abilities, with divisions for Middle Primary (Year 3 and 4) and Upper Primary (Year 5 and 6).


This year, we had a total of 16 student participating across years 3-6 on Thursday 3 August. All students thrived on the challenges and competed their very best. AMC results and certificates will be released and presented in term 4. 



Here is a question from the 2022 AMC Upper Primary Division. Can you solve it?



A number of students were asked about their

favourite drink: juice, milk or water. This pie

chart shows their responses. Eighty students

chose milk. How many students chose juice?

(Answer can be found in the bottom right corner) 


  1. 80
  2. 100
  3. 120
  4. 160
  5. 480


Belinda Saville