From the Acting Principal

Dear families,


The last couple of weeks have been filled with excitement, celebrations and anticipation...


It brings me great pleasure to announce the safe arrival of Baby McDermott. Declan and his wife Candice, welcomed a baby boy on Monday 28th August - Cameron Ray McDermott. Our heartfelt congratulations to Declan and Candice, and to Emma and Connor on the birth of their baby brother.  There are many STM "aunties" eager for a cuddle and maybe even some babysitting in the future.


Last Sunday we gathered as a faith community to witness and celebrate our Year 3 and Year 4 students who received their First Eucharist. It is the first time our candidates shared in the body and blood of the Lord at Mass. Eating and drinking at the Table of the Lord is a sign of belonging fully to our faith community.  Congratulations to Eliza, Payton, Jackson, Alessia, Ari, Rachel, Braxton, Liam, Kaja, Greta and Emily. It is often said that a parent is a child's first teacher, and the staff of STM are privileged to work in partnership with you to support your child's faith journey.  


Thank you to Katherine McLoughlin and Kelly Schmidt for preparing and supporting our candidates, and thank you to Marcia Janky for preparing a beautiful celebration that was led by Father Cruz.  


Happy Father's Day:

This Sunday is Father's Day. A day where we celebrate, give thanks and remember our fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, uncles and special father figures who enrich our lives.  


Our amazing P&F will be hosting our annual Father's Day Stall tomorrow morning. Each class will have the chance to visit and buy something special for their dad or special person. Children will need money to purchase items with gifts ranging from $1.00 to $6.00.


Happy Father's Day to our wonderful dads; the ones we live with, or may live away from, and the ones that have passed, but live forever in our hearts.


About Real Life - Sexuality Education Program 

Thank you to the many families who were able to attend the Parent Only and Parent/Child Workshops with Sue Pain from About Real Life over the past two weeks.  As a community that is committed to the wellbeing, development and safety of children, we find these sessions helpful in deepening conversations and provide important information about families, friends, feelings, body awareness and safety and puberty.  


I understand that some parents were unable to make the online Parent Only session, and Sue has kindly offered her slides from this session. If you would like a copy, please contact me and I will forward them once I receive them.


School Leader Reports:

It was wonderful to gather this week and hear from a number of our Year 6 School Leaders at our school assembly. Please take the time to read their reports below. 


Art Report with Lorelei

As Art Leader I have created two diary covers for next year's school diaries. The teachers and students have chosen the first image with the hills, showing our school and church as the front cover.  The back cover is the one with our school motto, We Are One, and the kids holding hands. I hope you will enjoy this diary for 2024.

Front cover
Back cover
Front cover
Back cover


ICT Report with Lucas and Sam

We would like to thank everyone for doing a great job of taking care of their technology. You are all doing a wonderful job of putting your technology in the right way. Here are some pictures to help those you might be unsure.

Here is an example of the correct way to store your Chrome Book.
Here is an example of the correct way to store your iPad.
Here is an example of the correct way to store your Chrome Book.
Here is an example of the correct way to store your iPad.


If you have any IT questions please ask us. ICT leaders come around to your classroom every morning and afternoon.


THINK before you Speak reminder with Grace and Jasper

We all know the Golden Rule of Treat Others the Way You Would like to be Treated, but sometimes you can just let words slip and they can hurt others' feelings. Before you speak you need to stop and think... Is it true, is it helpful, is it inspiring, is it necessary and is it kind? If it isn't - don't say it. So the next time you go to speak, remember to think.  



Sensory Garden Update:

This week we received exciting news from Dave from Treasuring our Trees, informing us that our school has been approved for a Yarning Circle for our new sensory garden. Treasuring our Trees will donate the materials and cost of installation (valued at around $10,000). It will be hand built and installed within the next 12 months.


Japanese Fun Day - Thursday 14th September:

Bawden Sensei has an amazing day planned for Japanese Fun Day. Please see the Japanese tab for further details.


Footy Day - Friday 15th September:

Come along in your team colours on Friday 15 September. AFL, Rugby, Soccer or Basketball - it doesn't matter which sport. Show your team's spirit by wearing their colours.  


MACSSIS survey:

St Thomas More is participating in Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS). These surveys provide the opportunity for schools to listen to the thoughts and feelings of students, families and staff about their school. 


Families who have been randomly selected to participate in the survey should have received an email by now. Please let me know if you have any questions or need help logging in. Your thoughts, ideas and views are valued and appreciated.

Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge:

This year's Premiers' Reading Challenge finishes on Friday 8 September.


School Closure Days:

Please add the following dates to your diary.

Friday 3rd of November: Curriculum Day

Monday 6th of November: Report Writing Day

Tuesday 7th of November: Melbourne Cup

Monday 4th of December: 2024 Planning day for staff


End of School Year Dates: 

End of Year dates are as follows:

Year 6 Graduation Day/Year 6 last day: Thursday 14th of December (Lunch from 12pm-3pm, Mass from 6:30pm-8:30pm)

Prep/Year 5 last day: Friday 15th of December at 3:10pm


Commitment to Child Safety:

Please see attached the CECV's (Catholic Education Commission of Victoria) commitment to Child Safety in schools. Each school must have a range of measures in place to meet the 11 Child Safety Standards. 



In faith, 
