Grade 3

Explore the Learning in Grade 3   


In Term 3 students have developed their ability to establish meaningful connections with their reading texts. Additionally, they have analysed the author's purpose as well as their figurative language choices. Towards the end of term, students have been summarising texts and learning research skills to assist them with their information report writing.



Students began the term by using similes and metaphors in their writing while exploring writing poetry pieces. After completing a writing cycle of poetry, students have moved into drafting information reports about their country, which they will present in their 'Countries Expo' in Inquiry.



In Maths this term students have been exploring multiplication and division and the links between the two concepts. Once this unit was completed, students moved on to measurement and geometry concepts where they explored telling time on an analogue clock as well as learning about the seasons and months of the year. They have finished the term by looking at tessellations, angles and symmetry, culminating in designing flags for their Inquiry country.



Students have spent the term investigating countries across the world. They have learnt about geography, history, cultural practices and comparing lifestyles in another country to their own here in Australia. Students are currently busy preparing their presentations for the 'Countries Expo' happening in the last week of the term!



Book Week: 

The excitement and enthusiasm our students displayed throughout our Book Week Parade was fantastic to see. This celebration of books not only allowed students to share their love of their favourite characters but also highlighted their creative nature through their brilliant costumes. Students enjoyed completing Book Week Rotation activities which allowed them to read and discuss some of the amazing short listed books for this year. Thank you to parents and families for all their inspiration and help with organising costumes! 


Melbourne Museum and Imax: 

On the 16th August all the Grade 3s headed off to Melbourne to explore the Museum and watch the movie 'A Beautiful Planet' in 3D at Imax! They had a wonderful time learning about dinosaurs, plants, animals, and the different parts that make up our Earth and the solar system.