Grade 1

Explore the Learning in Grade 1

Term 3 has flown by, but as they say time flies when you're having fun! 


Our focus in Literacy this term has been non-fiction texts. In Reading, we have been learning how to have a close look at what a text is trying to teach us and how to find important facts and the main idea. In Writing, the students have developed the skill of taking important information from a text and rewriting it in complete sentences in their own words. This is seen in our 'two truths and one lie' activity, where the students researched a topic, recorded the important facts and created an informative poster that challenged the reader to identify the two truths and spot the lie!


In Numeracy, we have extended the students understanding of the basic operations by beginning to explore multiplication, division and fractions. The focus has been on developing strategies to solve problems that include groups, skip counting and repeated addition/subtraction. We have also learned about arrays and learned how to look for them in the world around us! Please keep an eye out for our collection of 'Maths Thinkboard' activities that will be going home as part of our assessment and reporting package late next week! 


In Inquiry, the Grade One students have been exploring the differences between the past and the present and what changes to education, technology, games, transportation and communication we have experienced in our community throughout the decades. As a celebration of our learning, the students and teachers attended an excursion to Sovereign Hill, where we were able to observe the many changes that have taken place between the Gold-Rush era in Australia and the world we live in now.

  • The students explored differences between our present life and life in the 1850s in the 'Then and Now' program.
  • Gold panning, Confectionary making and the Red Coats were the stand out favourites!


From the Grade One team!