Grade 4

Explore the Learning in Grade 4


Throughout Term 3 students have strengthened their knowledge and understanding of a range of different text types. We spent each week with a different writing genre focus and enjoyed strengthening our writing skills. 

We wrote a procedure and created our own drums
We wrote a procedure and created our own drums



During Term 3, the Year 4 students have explored both fiction and non-fiction texts that linked to our inquiry of Australia, Africa, Asia and South America. They discussed how text features enhance understanding and engagement of a non fiction text. Within a range of fiction texts we discussed language use such as noun groups and dialogue and how they are used to engage and progress a story. 



During maths this term, the Year 4 students have explored a range of exciting concepts. They made mini golf courses to show our understanding of angles, investigated volume and capacity of a range of different containers and discovered the differences in estimating and measuring masses. They extended their knowledge of fractions and decimals and discovered the connections between them. They also developed their understanding of symmetry and temperature. 



Every 2 weeks the Year 4 students learnt all about a different continent and explored a range of countries within them. They investigated the language, currency, man made land marks, natural made landmarks, capital city and rainfall in each country. They presented their information in a range of different ways. 


African Drumming:

Our African drumming incursion was wonderful!


We have had a great time out in the garden this term and are very thankful to our garden volunteers for making the Year 4 learning so fun!