A message from School Captain Tasman Broadway

Tasman Broadway, 2023. School Captain
Tasman Broadway, 2023. School Captain

Throughout 2023, Staughton leadership has reinvented itself as a new generation of community leaders. Employing the help of our Student Leadership tutorial teachers, Miss Swartz, Mr Sciberras, Mr Linares and Mr Kelly, Staughton College’s leadership team has reframed itself, with a focus on personal development through goal setting. Our leaders have emerged as hardworking and decisive individuals and have characterised themselves as a passionate group of young people through their willingness to embrace and present positive change in our community. 


The Year 12s have emerged into their final year of school as prominent leaders in the school community. A large cohort, the year 12s have made the most of the first two terms of their final year in a variety of activities. Swimming Carnival was a landmark achievement for our leaders, and a rite of passage for our house captains who ran a variety of events and gathered teams for the annual relay with the teachers. Despite the busyness of their year, the year 12s have worked diligently and effectively in their different leadership teams. Our house captains and sport leaders have participated in and led our sport teams, our cultural leaders have had incredible success in performing and events, and the work of our communication leaders is ubiquitous around the school, with the cameras attached to these leaders capturing the memories of our prominent events. The year 12s have focused on the goals created at the very start of the year and worked around the clock to achieve these goals for their final year of schooling. 


Our Year 11s have begun to develop themselves as key leaders in our community. In the first semester of this year, our year 11 leaders have become a cohesive group working behind the scenes in preparation of their final year of high school. They have been performing the behind-the-scenes work, ensuring that leadership runs smoothly. They have participated in curriculum weeks and supported other events at the school.


As a cohort, the Year 10s have worked extremely hard, organising an array of events around the school. The year 10 leaders attended the GRIP leadership conference in the city to enhance and foster their leadership skills and see the difference their work as leaders can make in the community. With their new skills, our year 10 leaders created an incursion for our YEP leaders to teach them what they had learnt and the skills they had gained to our next generation of leaders. 


Tasman Broadway, 2023 School Captain


A note from teachers: students continue to set goals and achieve this semester. We look forward to starting the student leadership application process for the 2024 school year in term 4!