VCE Practice Exam Schedule for the September holiday period


At Staughton we want all students to feel ready and confident leading into the exam period. We highly value practice exams, revision and preparation that supports our students to perform their best. This year, students will sit compulsory practice exams for all subjects during the September holidays.

Practice exams are a crucial tool that students can use to maximise their potential in academic settings. Research has shown that regularly taking practice exams can lead to improved performance on actual exams. By simulating the testing experience, students become more familiar with the format, types of questions, and time constraints they will encounter. This familiarity can reduce test anxiety and increase confidence, allowing students to perform at their best. Moreover, practice exams provide an opportunity for students to identify areas where they may need additional preparation and adjust their study plans. Teachers will use the exams to plan explicit teaching and targeted teaching for the weeks leading into the exam, they will also provide individualised feedback to students which will support students in preparing for the exams.

The practice exams will be staffed by the supervisors of the actual exams and set in the rooms that the exams will take place, providing students the most realistic practice possible.

Please ensure that your student is available for the practice exam and prepares to do their best. The exam timetable is attached.


Claire Mann

Leading Teacher- Teaching and Learning Team