Mind - Craft

The Wellbeing Team Column 

It’s R U OK? Day on Thursday 14th September. 

R U OK Day is the national day for raising awareness of the importance of staying connected and reaching out for support. 

R U OK aims to increase people’s skills and confidence to support people in their lives who might be going through a difficult time. Investing time in building informal support networks, like friends, family, classmates, can greatly improve a person’s coping capacity and overall mental health and wellbeing. If there are people we can turn to for help and guidance, we are more likely to receive appropriate care earlier rather than when it becomes a crisis. 


Take this opportunity today to check-in with the people you care about. 


This year the wellbeing team will have activities acknowledging R U OK day at lunch. Listen out for the masterfully curated bell music too! 


Don’t forget to tune into [insert radio station, time and day] to listen to guest appearances from the wellbeing team! 


If you or someone you know needs support, a good place to start is the student wellbeing team. 

Here at Staughton we have a comprehensive, experienced and caring team. Please speak with your year level coordinator or pop into the wellbeing office to speak to the student wellbeing duty worker. 


The Wellbeing Team. 


Student Wellbeing:

Anita Gary (M-F)

Bec Upton (M-F)

Connor Schmetzer (M-F)

Julie Halantas (M, T, Th)

Nathan Smith (M-F)


Mental Health Practitioner:

Niny Ha (M-F)


Shine Bright Visiting Psychologist:

Dr. Hasret Celalettin (Fortnightly on Thursdays)


Visiting clinician from External Organisation:

Hakan Ay (every Tuesday)