
Holiday Program & Electronic Sign-In/Out

Need Holiday Care?

TeamKids have an amazing Spring Holiday program planned. There are movies, a virtual reality experience, mini golf, and learning about the science of toys!



Term 3 Update

What an amazing term 3 we have had here at TeamKids! Children have participated in Cooking Club and made pizza, muffins, sushi, rice paper rolls and chocolate crackles. In our Art Attack Club – children have completed activities such as painting, masks, keyrings, and activities to celebrate Father’s Day/ Special Person Day. 


Super Sports has been very popular with children participating in Basketball tournaments, Soccer Games and Time Trial challenges. Read more in the term three newsletter.



Electronic Sign In & Out

Any person signing a child out from TeamKids care must be listed on the TeamKids account and be authorised to collect your child. 


If you have a four-digit PIN on your account, please make sure it has been provided to the person collecting your child – only account holders can see this information. You can add a PIN/ update your PIN at any time via your TeamKids account.


To do this:

  1. Log into you TeamKids account.
  2. Select 'Update Account'.
  3. Go to 'Sign In/Out Security Code'.
  4. This is an optional field. When set you will be required to enter the PIN when signing children in/out of sessions.
  5. Select 'Save' at the bottom of the page

Once set, anyone dropping off or picking up must have this PIN.