Sustainability News

Textile Recycling Chute

School use only at this stage!

You may have noticed that we have a new textile recycling chute, which is another addition to our school’s sustainability initiatives. This new chute is part of our ongoing commitment to environmental education and tackling the issues associated with fast fashion.

  • School Use Only, for now: Currently, the recycling chute is available for school use only. 
  • Upcoming Family Participation: Starting next term, we will extend the opportunity to our families to participate in textile recycling. We will invite families to donate their unwanted textiles, but we’ll be rolling this out gradually, focusing on one year level at a time. 
  • Why Textile Recycling Matters: You might be aware of the huge clothes landfill in Chile, a shocking reminder of the global impact of textile waste. As one of the highest consumers of new clothes, Australians have a crucial role to play in reducing textile waste. Recycling helps divert waste from landfills and reduces the demand for new resources.

Stay tuned for more details or please reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.


~ Amelia Trompf, FPS Sustainability Coordinator