Year 2 Spotlight

A Terrific Term!

Year 2 students are very busy this term with swimming, concerts, learning and more!



Students explored writing information texts and have worked hard to research their information. Their process of researching has been particularly interesting as they have loved choosing a topic of interest to them, and then finding out more information on Epic and National Geographic. It has been very exciting to learn lots of different facts about animals as well as some of the people they chose to research. 


Part of the process was identifying key vocabulary in their books and then looking up the definitions in a dictionary. Some children took it upon themselves to highlight and colour code the different themes that they discovered in their readings. Some have chosen to write their information report in their free time and mindfulness time!


 Here are some of their texts:

Thea S
Freddie C
Robbie E
Sophie H
Freddie T
Alexa L
Thea S
Freddie C
Robbie E
Sophie H
Freddie T
Alexa L



This term in Maths, our focus was patterns, multiplication, location and transformation. 


Students explored making patterns as a lead in to using skip counting patterns to solve multiplication problems. They also enjoyed using a map of the school to track their movements.


Here are some  examples of patterns created in class by some students:



This term, the Year 2s focused on learning about the continents as well as how we can pay respect to the land that we currently reside on, the land of the Wurundjeri people.

Each week we learnt about a specific continent unpacking different cuisines, cultures, heritages, and traditions. We then further explored these topics throughout our fluency and vocabulary lessons. A highlight for some was learning about some of the ‘Fun and Weird Facts about Canada’. 


To discuss the importance of showing respect to the school grounds, students went outside and pointed out some of the areas around the school that are not being taken care of properly, such as rubbish from lunch orders to trees being pulled out of the ground. Students then took the initiative to source some buckets so that they could pick up some of the rubbish outside. 


Geography Reflections

In Geography we learnt about the seven continents. We now know that the Olympic rings represent five different continents, which are, Asia, Europe, America, Africa, and Oceania.


Each of the continents speaks a different language. 


One of our favourite activities in Geography was doing the ‘School Maps’, and walking around the school, and drawing in the missing places on the map.

~Emily U and Evie M, 2A


It was amazing when we learnt about the compass and how to use it. We now know where North, South, East and West are, and we could go to Europe on our own. Haha!

~ Willow S, 2A


Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

This term, students have covered a range of topics such as Positive Coping. They have reflected on their emotional responses to different situations and explored how they can take responsibility for their reactions. They have looked at how they can use music to cheer up or calm down, and practised managing their anger by using a preferred calming strategy.


Here are some student self portraits when they are angry, and what they do to calm themselves:


School Concert Success!

The school concert on Thursday night the 29th was a blast. The Grade 2 students sang powerfully, and danced fabulously. It was such an adventure going to the rainforest, the outback, the beach, and the snow! All the students practised and worked so hard together,  to produce an awesome show. Congratulations Grade 2’s!


The concert was great and I loved the whole thing. I especially enjoyed saying my line for my class performance. My favourite song was 2B’s ‘Cotton Eye Joe’.
 ~ Jude B, 2A


My grade created a rainforest for their part of the concert, and we danced to the song ‘Rain on Me’. I dressed as a flower. I loved the concert, especially the closing song, where all the Grade 2’s sang ‘Home’.
~ Edie W, 2A