Year 1 Spotlight

A Flying Start to the Term

Year 1s got off to a flying start this term and enthusiastically participated in their very own Olympics – The Potato Olympics! The students decorated their potatoes and participated in a number of challenging activities. We collected the measurement data of our potatoes and compared them. Some potatoes rose to the challenge but others buckled under the strain. The students loved the competition and cheered each other on. 


Here is a screenshot of our measurement data:


Here are some other exciting things we have done this term.

Darebin Parklands Incursion

As part of our inquiry unit on Geography, students eagerly participated in an incursion with Peter from Darebin Parklands. Peter shared the history of Darebin Creek, how it is linked to the Indigenous story of the Serpent and how we can look after our surroundings. Some students enthusiastically participated in role plays to demonstrate how we can look after Darebin Creek. 


There was a farmer, a racing car driver, a dog walker, a shopper and more. Peter set scenarios for each role play. In each scenario, the players unintentionally contributed to the water quality of Darebin Creek and it became murkier and murkier. Yuk! Students now know how to look after Darebin Creek.


  • Fiona, a farmer, learnt not to put dirt in the water so the animals don’t get sick.
  • Zoe, a shopper, learnt not to leave your trolley out when you go shopping. Put it back, otherwise it could end up in the creek.
  • Archie, a racing car driver, learnt not to screech his tyres as the rubber can go down the gutter and get washed into the Darebin Creek.
  • Hugo, a dog walker, learnt to pick up his dog’s poo when walking his dog as the poo could get into the creek and hurt other animals.
  • Emmy learnt that when you wash your car, wash it on the grass so all the grease and oil doesn't go down the drain and into the creek and hurt the fish.


We all learnt so much about looking after the Darebin Creek and Peter shared that there are now sightings of platypus in the creek. Amazing!


Year 1 students celebrated the great success of their concert ‘The Great Australian Road Trip’ last Thursday evening. Students loved singing, dancing and exploring their part of Australia. Enjoy some lovely snaps from the evening and student reflections. 


  • I liked singing my line. ~ Scarlett H
  • My favourite bit of the concert was singing the song “Home”. ~ Winnie
  • I liked it when the audience clapped everytime we finished. It made me feel happy. ~ Zaria
  • I liked the song “Cold As Ice”. ~ Luke M & Arlo M
  • My favourite past was when we were singing “Cold As Ice”, the gold digging part. ~ Jack M
  • I liked dancing with all the grade ones. ~ Leah
  • I liked the songs “Cotton Eyed Joe” and “Home”. ~ Kenji


Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

This term, students have been working on establishing social skills and positive peer relationships, including developing emotional literacy. Specific goals during our RRRR lessons include:

  • Identifying emotions through bodily cues and facial expressions
  • Building confidence in discussing emotions with peers 
  • The establishment of social skills 
  • Positive peer relationships 
  • Teamwork through group cohesion, collaboration and cooperation
  • An introduction to verbal/non-verbal communication skills


Students have been working with their teachers to co-create their ‘working alliances’, where we have come up with specific ‘group rules’ to help build a foundation for sessions moving forward. This has been done in a creative way using role-play and improvisation and was centred around three themes – Safety, Respect and No ‘Wrong’ Way.


Our aim has been to establish mutual respect between all group members, where there is a balance permitting creative expression, interpretation and creativity, while ensuring  emotional and physical safety. 


~ Year 1 Teachers (Anne, Chiara, Binh, Tam & Prue) and Students