Class News

Physical Education and Sport

Currently in PE and Sport students are covering a range of skills. In PhysicalEducation, they are learning gymnastics and rythmic expression. While students can choose Tag Rugby, Basketball or Ultimate Frisbee in Sport. 

Photography by Rosie (student), and Kate (staff).

Fabulous Fast Food

Students made healthy and delicious burrito bowls last week. They were the perfect blend of flavours and textures. Served on rice and presented in cardboard bowls to create some food truck vibes. 

Focus on Food

This elective explores the reasons why we choose to eat particular foods, influences on food choices in Australia and meal planning. As it is aimed at beginners, the recipes tend to be more straightforward. Pictured here, the students are getting the hang of muesli slice. 


Year 7 students have been learning about and making Indonesian shadow puppets - Wayang kulit. Their attention to detail, use of colour and enthusiasm is evident in their work.