Student Voice and Agency

What are the student leaders working on at the moment . . .
Our student leaders have several projects on the go at the moment:
The Cyber Leaders will be running lessons in the classrooms over the next few weeks about the importance of having a balance between media use and being active so we can stay healthy and happy. We all love our devices but sometimes spend too much time in front of the screens.
The Gardening Leaders have been busy developing their Healthy Eating lessons, planting the new season veggies in the garden patches and preparing for our next Working Bee to be held on Friday 13 October from 2:00pm.
The JSC recently met with muralist Hayden Dewar to discuss having him create a bespoke mural for us on the brick walls at the back of the P-2 playground. This is a project that last year's student leaders suggested as a way to improve our school and Jayla, Rhea and Cybelle are leading this project and we are hoping to have the project completed by early term 4. The concept Hayden has submitted sounds incredible and I can't wait to see the students' ideas come to life as the paint go on the walls. Stay tuned!
Linda, Pearl and Zoe are working hard to bring the second hand uniform to life. Students can come out of uniform on Wednesday 4 September. The cost is either the donation of piece of uniform that is too small that they can sell to families or a can of nonperishable food which can be donated to Food Bank.