From the Principal

Triumph and Discovery

"Discovery is about uncovering how people and events shape and transform our world. We’ve been exploring the ways in which history has been influenced by remarkable individuals and significant events of ourselves and others, and how these stories continue to impact us today. Discovery plays an important role in our history because it allows us to learn from the past, understand the present, and pass these important stories on to our own families. By sharing these discoveries, we hope that the lessons and experiences of those who came before us are never forgotten, keeping their stories alive for future generations. "  expressed LS2 Seniors at our latest school assembly.


Our recent Olympics in Paris provided us with a wealth of stories of triumph and loss. It is the lessons learned from both experiences that provide valuable lessons as insights about character were discovered and revealed. 

  • Sailor Matt has now won back to back gold. The first to ever defend Olympic title in sailing. He overcame long COVID when he was unable to get ourt of his bed.
  • Jess Fox defended her Tokyo canoe title and won gold in kayak in four consecutive games showing her focus and determination.
  • Saya Sakakibara won gold in BMX cross four years after her brother suffered a traumatic brain injury in the same sport. Just to name a few achievements.

However, some of the poignant stories came from the athletes who didn’t win like Harry Garside. Some of our senior children shared their reflection about the gifts and fruits of the holy spirit that were revealed and discovered by Harry's response to his loss. Here are some of their thoughts.....


"Patience: Eli - Harry displayed patience by understanding that failure is a part of life. Why is it important to be patient when things don't go our way? It is important to be patient because you can lose in life in different ways. You will meet people who might be better at things than you are. So being patient is all about your ability to keep on practicing and persevering to make sure you achieve whatever goal you need too. "

"Understanding: Ethan - He understood that self-worth comes from within and not from winning. Why is understanding ourselves and others important?  It is important to understand people because we might not know what they are going through in their own lives and we need to understand our own actions that we are taking to make sure others around us appreciate their self worth."


Like many of you, I’ve been inspired by stories of courage, determination, and commitment at the Olympic Games in Paris. Natalie Diehm won a bronze medal in the Women’s BMX Freestyle event. Her words of inspiration were:


Keep dreaming

Work hard

Believe in yourself

Lean into disappointments 

See setbacks and challenges as opportunities

The world is going to keep spinning each day so just get up and give life a go!

May we work together to embody the Olympic spirit in our community of St Francis de Sales, Lynbrook, supporting our children through the joys and challenges of life so that they can continue to grow and flourish. 


National Champion - Andi 


This week Andi created history for herself, her family , her school and her state by her impressive achievement. 


Andi (Yr 6) is a National Champion in the girls 12 year old National Cross Country Championships. Andi ran three kilometers in a very close race. All the way around the track Andi was challenged by a girl from Queensland. In fact in the straight to the finish line Andi was coming second. It was just 10 meters from the finish and in eye shot of her cheering family and school representatives, when Andi found a further gear and made her final surge to narrowly win this race. We congratulate Andi on accomplishing this amazing achievement. Andi did not just win one gold medal but two!! Team Victoria had more points than the other teams as a result of their team results they won the Team gold medal. 


We are so proud of Andi’s determination and perseverance. She set her goals and has worked relentlessly, regularly training to achieve at this high level. 


In 2022, Andi came in eleventh place in Nationals, in 2023, she was on the podium with a second place and in 2024, Andi has won GOLD in the National Championships held at Yarra Glen Racecourse on Wednesday 21 August!! She has won every cross-country race this year, from District, Regional, State and now with a first place for team Victoria in the National Championship. Andi you are a star! Your success is inspirational and I am sure will inspire others to follow in your footsteps. St Francis de Sales School community join together in congratulating you and wishing you the very BEST! Dream BIG!! Go Andi!!


Andi has created a new story that becomes part of her story and ours. I have never come across a student who has in just a short few weeks become a national Cross Country champion, A national AFL Girls champion and a runners up National Basketball champion. An unbelievable effort. Andi's  achieved her dreams and inspires us to do the same. The dream became a reality as she set her goals and dreamt BIG. She put in the effort and trained in all weather. The win comes from her perseverance and effort. 


By sharing Andi's story of triumph and her discoveries, we hope that her lessons and experiences that we encounter this year are never forgotten, we will keep her story of determination alive for not just those of us in this community now but also for future generations.



In the word of Rudyard Kipling

"If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs ....

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,.....

If you can hold on when there is nothing in you except the will which says to them: 'Hold on!' If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it."

and in the words of St Francis de Sales...

" Be who you are and be that perfectly well."

"Bloom where you are planted."


This occurs when we provide the opportunities, are there to guide and support so that our students can be the very best self that they can be and we pray that all our students will be prepared to fly and experience success in their own individual way. That they thrive and flourish.

Above & Beyond LOVE

Our Mini Vinnies Seniors were outstanding this week!! They gave up a night for a soup and chat evening to understand the plight of homeless people in our community and they raised over $1000. Our hearts are bursting with pride at their social justice consciousness. They flourish in character and take with them important lessons. They showed their genuine love and growing understanding by actually taking action. Thanks to Giuliana our Mini Vinnies Leader, staff and parents who also gave up an evening to support this important social justice event.



Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS) are conducted annually for schools in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. This year’s MACSSIS window is from Monday 2 September to Friday 20 September 2024.

MACSSIS is a low impact, high return set of tools for creating, collecting, analysing, interpreting and using data to inform Catholic school improvement. MACSSIS produces perception data. This data tells us about what different people in a school community think and feel about their learning environment.


Throughout each year, we pause to listen to our students, families and staff to gauge how our learning community is travelling. This feedback is invaluable to our progress. 


A significant and formal way in which we engage and gather data is through MACSSIS, the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys. 


Further information will be provided in coming weeks. We encourage our families to participate in this confidential feedback. As a school we evaluate and adjust and change our plans informed by data we gather. MACSSIS data is a key source on information that informs our school improvement and our 2025 Annual Action plans.



We are pleased to advise you that our school has engaged Semper Dental to provide your children with the opportunity of visiting the dentist at school commencing on Friday 6 September 2024.  


Semper Dental is a well-respected catholic family business and is a significant provider of oral hygiene education and dental treatment services with programs running in more than 70 schools in greater Melbourne.


The program is available to participating students from all year levels at the school. The basis of this offer will be fully explained in the Semper Dental parent consent forms and in the Semper Dental information flyer.


Semper Dental provides a preventative treatment program involving an oral examination and treatments such as scale, cleaning, fluoride application and fissure seals where necessary. 


Semper Dental will then provide you with a treatment plan for your child following the visit and will inform you if your child requires additional dental care.


Further information and parent consent forms were sent home last week. Please complete the consent form to enable your child to participate in this new initiative.


Christine White
