School News and Information 


We welcome Miss Grace Thomas to our class for 20 days while she is doing her teaching practicum through UNE.  We are all enjoying having Miss Thomas in Kinder with us.


In Maths, we have been learning that the number 10 can be composed/made in many different ways.  When we compose a quantity, we can use 2 or more ‘chunks’ (or parts, or collections).  For example, we can create a collection of 10 by combining: 2 collections, such as 9 and 1 or 3 collections, such as 4, 3 and 3 or 6 collections, such as 2 and 2 and 2 and 1 and 1 and 2, and so on. 


 English- In Kindergarten we love writing.  Last week we worked together as a class and looked at a cartoon image of a happy lion running through a jungle.  From that image, and using our senses, the kids came up with different ideas for what the lion may see, hear, touch, taste, smell and feel.  Afterwards, using these ideas they wrote some fabulous sentences.  Some of these sentences are in the images below.  WOW!

Drama - The Magic of Puppets

Learning through play is an important part of a children’s education.  When children are highly engaged this leads to better learning experiences, helping to promote children’s development further.  Using puppets help to stimulate children’s imaginations as well as encouraging creative play and discovery.  Puppets open a door to a child’s imagination allowing them to create, explore and flourish. 

All of the children in Kindergarten have LOVED playing with and engaging with the puppets and their peers during our Drama unit. This has given them the opportunity for role-playing that allows them to explore new personalities, and ideas and develop their imagination.

It was fabulous to see all the kids so excited about Book Week and reading last week.  We are always excited about reading!  We love it!

Our Book Week parade on Friday was fabulous and we had a great time.  We showed off our costumes, read stories with Stage 3, and enjoyed pretending to be our Book Week characters. 

Have a super week!

Felicity Pennington and Ange Harris




What an amazing Term 3 it has been in the Library.  We have recently celebrated Book Week with our spectacular book character parade 🧚, it is always lovely to see the whole school community get behind the event and dress up!


Kinder have been busy sharing their reading and technology knowledge with some of their Stage 3 buddies and it has been great to watch this sharing of knowledge and skills between the students and learning from each other. 


Stage One are our twenty-first century inventors using the Makey Makey kits Is a banana conductive? The world is full of conductive materials and objects. Stage One has been exploring the possibility of making a musical circuit using fruit as the conductive material.


Stage Two has been combining everyone's favourite, Lego building, with coding. The students have followed a set of very detailed Lego build instructions which they have then coded to create a movable lego build!  Here is a link to some videos of the Stage Two Lego builds Lego Videos


Stage Three has also been using the Makey Makey kits and has the option to create either ‘The Ultimate Game Controller, Australian History or Fruit Orchestra’ and we are all looking forward to the final presentations due in week 9.


Remember to bring in those library bags so that you can continue to borrow some of the lovely new books that are arriving in the library each week.


Have an amazing week enjoy the early Spring weather.


Mrs Dunham 💐