Year 3/4

Year 3/4 Cluster News
Home Inquiry
Reading: Aim to read for 15 minutes per night.
Inquiry: Now that we have begun to identify different Australian resources (soils, rocks and minerals). Can you identify these resources around your home?
Take a photo of what you can find to share in class.
Mathematics: Continue to revise your multiplication facts.
You may like to use your timetables app on your iPad for this.
Year 3: 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, and 10s
Year 4: all facts - start with those that you are least confident with.
Learning this week:
Spelling: Year 3 sound focus this week is the ‘o’ for /oa/ sound, with a continued grammar focus of paragraphs. Year 4 sound focus is on the schwa ‘al’ with a grammar focus on possessive nouns.
You might like to write out your spelling words for additional practice:
Year 3 – o for /oa/ | Year 4 – schwa ‘al’ |
open oval only poem total clover
mosaic cocoa mobile Roman pronoun moment
ogre anchovy overboard vocabulary macaroni steamroller | animal coral special plural total equal
external several crystal casual capital hospital
abysmal natural journal festival material cathedral |
Writer’s Workshop:We are writing our presentations in preparation for our celebration of learning, where we will be sharing all that we have learnt and experienced on our amazing city excursion.
Reader’s Workshop: We are continuing to explore significant natural and built features in Australia and in the world, before moving into researching Australia’s resources. Specifically, we are exploring digital texts, and how to know if they are trustworthy for research.
Mathematics: We will continue exploring fractions through hands-on activities. We will learn about how fractions represent equal parts of a whole, with a focus on equivalent fractions, whilst applying our understanding to real-life situations
Unit of Inquiry: We are well into our Unit of Inquiry – Where we are in place and time. This week, we will reflect on our excursion and the significant places we visited in Adelaide city, with a focus on what social or cultural significance they have, and what materials/resources we saw in either the construction of the site or displayed at the site.
We also will continue to explore Australia’s resources (rocks, minerals and soil), where they come from, and what they are used for.
Premier’s Reading Challenge – Please keep reading books at home to help your children to fill in their PRC lists. It is a good idea to record these somewhere, so they can remember the details for their PRC sheet. We will also be completing books as a class to help as well.
Special Persons Afternoon – Please note that the date has changed for Special Person’s Afternoon (SPA). It will now be Friday the 20th September (Week 9, Friday).
SACSA netball – Wednesday Week 5
Please return the permission slips ASAP
PE uniform
In week 5 both classes will have PE on Tuesday rather than Wednesday.
Please can students wear their PE uniform on Tuesday.
Book Week and Book Fair Reminders
‘It’s all about the books!’
Monday 19th - Book Week Dress up day & Read-a-round.
Embracing all the magic of reading, students can dress up as a book character, a specific book, or a combination of anything that makes reading magic.
When thinking about what costume the students would like to wear, we encourage the students to use items that they already have at home rather than purchasing specific costumes that can become very expensive. As always, we recommend that the costumes are weather and play appropriate.
We will hold a Parade at 12pm followed by the Read-a-round, where students can hear up to 3 of the short-listed story books for 2024.
QBD Book Fair is coming........
A QR code will be available to showcase some items that will be on offer, stay tuned!
Physical Book Fair – Monday 26/8 – Friday 30/08 (Week 6, Term 3)
Where: Sunnybrook Library – Joint library students visit regularly – follow the signs.......
Monday 3-3:30
Tuesday 8:30-9, 3-3:30
Wednesday 8:30-9, 3-3:30
Thursday 8:30-9, 3-3:30
Friday 8:30-9
Online Book Drive - Monday 26/8 – Friday 6/9 (Week 6 and 7, Term 3)
For online ordering, QBD will provide a portal for purchasing and online orders will be delivered to the school in week 8 to be distributed to the students.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our Book Fair!
Blessings for the week ahead,
Chelsie Riches, Jade Fielke and Cloe Richardson