Year 1/2

Year 1/2 Cluster News
Another great week of learning! Here are some events coming up:
1/2AK families are invited to join us on Friday 16th August (Week 4) as the class leads worship, which begins at 8.50am. Each child will have a part in the class presentation.
Sharing: A significant event
An information sheet has been sent home and posted on Toddle with details and a specific day for your child to share.
Request for containers
Thank you for sending these in. We now need more small clear plastic strawberry/cherry tomato punnets (cube rather than long containers).
Take Home Books
Please bring these to school on Mondays in the clear plastic envelope for changing. On other days the clear plastic envelope can remain at home. Students are encouraged to borrow 4 books a week. A reminder that decodable books (books without the round, coloured stickers), once you are finished with them, must be given back to your child’s classroom teacher instead of back with the other take home books.
Reading – We encourage approximately 10-15 minutes each night.
Home Inquiry
Y1 and Y2: Choose a food item in your house and inquire into where it comes from. What questions do you have about how it is made? We may be able to investigate some of these items in class together.
Learning for Week 4 and 5:
In Writer’s Workshop mini lessons, students explore characters in stories and create their own characters. They also begin to explore setting.
In Reader’s Workshop mini lessons, we will continue a character study of Melanie Watt’s Scaredy Squirrel. On this page is a video about the author
Each week there is a focus ‘sound of the week’. Students are introduced to groups of words which use spelling patterns and revise the alternative spellings of vowel sounds.
The sound of the week is not intended to be a spelling list for you to teach your child at home. It is for you to be aware of what we are teaching at school, and you are welcome to use the sound as a starting point for your child to share what they are learning.
Week 4 and 5:
Year 1 /ow/ for o sound e.g. glow
Year 1 ‘y’ for /ie/
Year 2 ear
Year 2 ey for /ee/
Grammar Focus
Year 1: adjectives (2 weeks)
Year 2: past verb ‘to be’, expanding a sentence
Mathematics: Year 1s will continue inquiring into skip counting with money (5c, 10c) and year 2s into time (o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to on analogue clocks).
Unit of Inquiry: How We Organise Ourselves
Central Idea: Places and processes are involved in producing food.
Line of Inquiry 1: Places involved in food production
Line of Inquiry 2: Processes involved in food production
Line of Inquiry 3: The connections between money, Maths and data in food production
Classes begin inquiring into food production.
Christian Studies: Christian Beliefs
Key Idea: The person and work of Jesus the Christ is central to Christianity.
Students continue to explore significant events in Jesus’ life such as his birth, baptism, work, death and resurrection. This links with the oral sharing where students talk about a significant event in their lives.
Each day students need to bring the following. Please label everything.
Take Home Bags which are also for Library borrowing.
water bottles
a fruit/veg snack
lunch – ‘nude’ food (no wrappers), leave chocolates or lollies for home
Cancer Council recommends hats and sunscreen when the UV rating is 3 or above.
During the year we have excursions, a Year 1 Sleepover and a Year 2 Camp. We are planning excursions this term. If you would like to put in an expression of interest, please ensure you are a registered volunteer.
This involves having the following up to date:
Working With Children Check (WWCC)
Responding to Abuse, Harm and Neglect training (RRHAN-EC)
Valuing Safe Communities (VSC) training
Library Borrowing
The whole class goes to the library on Wednesdays (Year 1/2Z) and Thursdays (Year 1/2AK). A reminder that individual students can borrow books on other days during the week if they would like new books before the class borrowing day.
May God bless your week,
Melanie and Ellen
Melanie Arnold
Tim Kriewaldt
Ellen Zimmer