Around the School

Assembly Awards
Assembly and Chapel
Roster - Term 3
Assemblies will take place each Monday, commencing at 2.30pm in the Worship Centre.
Classes presenting at assembly this term are:
Date | Week | Class |
12/8/2024 | 4 | 2/3T |
19/8/2024 | 5 | Book Week Parade |
26/8/2024 | 6 | Foundation and 5/6N |
2/9/2024 | 7 | 3/4RF |
9/9/2024 | 8 | 1/2AK |
16/9/2024 | 9 | 3/4R |
23/9/2024 | 10 | Art specialist / TK award |
Book Week
There's a buzz around the library as we move closer to Book Week (Week 5 -17/8 –23/8). We have a full week of ‘all things books’ planned.
Monday 19th - Book Week Dress up day & Read-a-round.
Embracing all the magic of reading, students can dress up as a book character, a specific book, or a combination of anything that makes reading magic.
When thinking about what costume the students would like to wear, we encourage the students to use items that they already have at home rather than purchasing specific costumes that can become very expensive. As always, we recommend that the costumes are weather and play appropriate.
We will hold a Parade at 12pm followed by the Read-a-round, where students can hear up to 3 of the short-listed story books for 2024.
Wednesday 21st –
Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School Community Library
This is our own little Street Library, situated in the chill out zone near the mural, offering a way to share good books to read – favourite books that teach, intrigue and engage.
You might have seen other Street Libraries in your neighbourhood or you may have one in your front yard.
Be a part of keeping our collection stocked with good reading material.
Here’s how it works ....
Take a book - If you see something you would like to read, take it.
Give a book - Leave books here which you no longer read for other book lovers to enjoy.
Share a book - Return your book to this or any Street Library or pass it on to a friend, neighbour or relative.
Pay it Forward!
We invite you to share the joys of reading and create connections within our community. Middle or Term (MOT) breakfast is a great opportunity to come and browse our community library, to take a book, give a book and share a book.
– a tiny vestibule of literary happiness-
Canteen Volunteers
Due to a shortage of volunteers in the canteen on Friday 16 August, we will only be offering a limited menu.
If you are interested in volunteering in the canteen, please contact the front office. We would love your help!
P&F Trivia Night Recap
Around 130 guests enjoyed a night of fun and festivities at our P&F Quiz Night last term. The evening featured a superhero-themed fancy dress, a range of quiz night games, a raffle and a healthy dose of friendly competition with the amazing quiz questions compiled by Michelle and Ben Parcell.
There were some amazing costumes on display, from Gru and his minions to the cast of Mario and the DC and Marvel universe were well represented it was a close completion for best dressed of the night between Martin Luther and Donald Trump, with Donald trump taking the win. the creativity, joy, merriment and sense of community among staff, parents and other guests was fantastic.
In total, $1781 was raised – an amazing effort from our generous supporters, helping the P&F to create fun and exciting events and spaces for the children.
Congratulations to Gru and his minions who won the quiz and to the cast of Mario who took out best dressed table.
A big thank you to Krystle Poole, Wendy Carmen and Katherine Hartley who worked tirelessly to organise the raffle baskets and put together a fun successful night. Another big Thankyou to our Master of Ceremonies, Ben Parcell and head scorer Michelle Parcell who did an amazing job to not only make sure the night ran smoothly but also wrote all the questions for the night. Thankyou also to our other scorers Szymon Kumela, Angela Coby and Kelly Underwood who did a great job not only marking some very creative answers but also had the difficult job of judging the costumes.
Finally a very large Thankyou to all the business and family’s who donated towards the raffle…
- Schnitzhouse at Golden Grove by the Ianonne family
- Rebel at Tea Tree Plaza by the Williams family
- Arbonne by the Switala and Poole family
- Bella Eve wines
- Cluse Bros at Parafield
- Forty Winks at Gepps Cross
- Bunnings at Parafield by the Poole family
- Hartley family
- Carmen family
- Michelle Petovic photography
- Total Capture Photography
Here are some photos of the night