From the School Leadership Team

Thank you to all of our students and families who supported the P & F Disco for Foundation - Year 2 last Friday. It was great to have such a strong turn out and to see the children enjoying the music and dancing, as well as the adults enjoying the time to connect and catch up in the cafe. We appreciate the efforts of our P & F for arranging such a fabulous experience for us all!
Book Week Dress Up Day and Read Around
We are looking forward to our Book Week Dress up day & Read-a-round on Monday 19 August. Embracing all the magic of reading, students can dress up as a book character, a specific book, or a combination of anything that makes reading a magical expeirence. When thinking about what costume the students would like to wear, we encourage the students to use items that they already have at home rather than purchasing specific costumes that can become very expensive. As always, we recommend that the costumes are weather and play appropriate. We will hold a Parade at 12.00pm in the Worship Centre followed by the Read-a-round, where students can hear up to three of the short-listed story books for 2024.
Pong A Thon
A reminder that our Pong A Thon is running this Friday afternoon through to Saturday morning as the church and school partner together in raising funds to combat slavery around the world. We would love to have you drop in for a coffee, or breakfast on Saturday morning, and to enjoy playing some pong to help support the cause!
A reminder that tomorrow is a casual clothes day for the Pong A Thon and that students have the option of bringing in a gold coin to donate towards the cause.
As you may be aware, our School is part of Lutheran Education SA, NT & WA (LESNW). All schools and early years centres within this network share a commitment to providing a high quality, Christ-centred, non-selective education to all students that pass through our learning communities. As we look ahead to how we may continue to improve the experience of our learning community, understanding the key reasons why you, chose us over other schools for your child’s education and care is critical to our community’s long-term success. Lutheran Education SA, NT & WA (LESNW) is seeking to gain a deeper understanding of our community’s sentiment towards Lutheran Education and the experiences you and your child/ren have had within the community. They also hope to learn more about how you came to select our school and why. As a current parent of Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School, your insights would be incredibly valuable.
This survey is anonymous and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and includes questions designed to understand your educational priorities for your child and what you value about being part of the Lutheran education community.
You can access the survey at Please note that the survey will close 11pm on Tuesday 20 August.
The findings from this survey will contribute to a broader research initiative led by LESNW and will support the development of improved communications and future strategic initiatives.
Thank you in advance for your support.
A few reminders
Please be reminded of some of our key events coming up over the next few weeks.
- Friday 16 - Saturday 17 August - Pong A Thon
- Monday 19 August - Book Week Parade
- Friday 20 September - Special Person's Afternoon (please note this is now one week later due to clash with SACSA AFL on Friday 13 September)
Will Wallace
Attached is the latest article by Dr Justin Coulson - Parenting with Influence, Not Control.
Tim Kriewaldt
Deputy Principal