Mission and Identity
Year 11 Formation Day
Blessed and broken. Let go and let God. Winter into Spring. These three themes wove together the Year 11 Formation Day as the students explored God’s dream for them, what impedes their ability to live life to the full, and the transformative power of Christ’s love through the broken elements in our life.
The depth of their sharing, the extent of their self awareness and above all their openness to ‘letting God in’ was a privilege to witness and share alongside them.
As each student handed over to Our Lady, Untier of Knots their pain, grief, fear or regret to lovingly untangle, the Spirit was palpable in the room.
For the staff, days like last Friday reaffirm why we answered ‘yes’ to God’s call of vocation in service of the young and their faith development.
We are deeply grateful to the small group facilitators and the Mission Team for their specialisation, professionalism and contagious faith.
Father's Day Mass Invitation
The College will be celebrating Father's Day with a Mass followed by breakfast on Friday 30 August. Mass will commence at 7:30 am at Our Lady of Dolours with breakfast in the College at 8:30 am. All Fathers and father figures are welcome!
Please RSVP using the following link
God bless,
Mr Daniel Petrie - Assistant Principal, Mission and Identity