PDHPE Term 3

Year 7 PDHPE

Year 7 PD Classes have been studying nutrition interpreting nutritional labels and eating disorders

Year 8 PDHPE

Year 8 have been studying unit on mental health and studying factors that effect body image.

Year 9 PDHPE

Year 9 PDHPE have been exploring risk taking behaviour in young people. In groups they have analysed a case study and identified influences on risk taking behaviour, potential risks and devised strategies to minimise harm.

Year 10 PDHPE

Year 10 have been completing an assessment task where they had to apply for a job, write an application letter, resume and complete a selection criteria for their job. The local Rotarians will conduct mock interviews tonight for each student.

Stage 6 PDHPE

 Stage 6 PDHPE have been studying types of training to improve performance. They have undergone some plyometric training exercises and completed flexibility assessment.

Stage 6 CAFS

Stage 6 CAFS have just started their final unit 'Parenting and Caring' where they are exploring issues such as surrogacy, IVF and adoption.


9 PASS have been studying sports injuries, assessment and management procedures. They leant about asthma, hypothermia, fractures, soft tissue injuries, head and neck injuries. Last week they learnt about different management strategies such as bandaging and taping.


10 PASS have been learning about the components of fitness, training principles and energy systems. The completed a range of fitness tests and designed aerobic and anaerobic training programs. this week they have been looking at characteristics of skull performers and assessment of the skull. 


Mrs Donaldson 

PDHPE Teacher