School News

R U OK? Day

Thursday 12th September is RU OK Day.  A chance to check in with those around you. 


RUOK CAFE - 8.30-9.30AM

Parents-teachers-friends all welcome!


Coffee in the canteen hole in the wall! 


Join us for a $2 coffee or tea & a tiny teddy and let some community spirit salve your soul!

School Colour Run - SAVE THE DATE

Code Camp - Term 4 Enrolment

Code Camp will again run at lunch times on Wednesdays during Term 4. 

Please follow the link below to book in:

After-school Programs at Alphington Primary School | Code Camp


Dates below:

Thursday 5th September

Thursday 19th September

Reminder - Wellbeing- Parent Information Sessions in our community

Below are some links to free resources and topical information sessions for parents in our community.

Yarra Council- Tuning in to teens

Emotionally Intelligent Parenting of children aged 10 - 15 years


Wednesday nights in August and September from 6pm – 8pm

Bargoonga Nganjin

182 St Georges Road, Fitzroy North


These sessions are free to attend, however you need to register but emailing  or 


Please see this link for more information: 


Webinar with Vanessa Hamilton- AI Deep Fakes- what every parent needs to know (10th September, 7:30pm)

As AI continues to influence our children’s online experiences, it's more important than ever for parents to stay informed. Understanding how to protect and support your kids from potential threats, like deep fakes and other online dangers, is crucial.

Vanessa is hosting a free live webinar on September 10, 2024, with experts Trent Ray and Leon Furze. They will explore the latest developments in Generative AI, discuss emerging risks, and share practical strategies to keep your children safe online. This is an online event that requires registration. Please follow the link below to register 


Esafety Commissioner- Webinars

In the coming weeks, there are a number of other information sessions for parents, related to online behaviours. The below topics all have dates in September, and are free to attend. 


Here is a link to some resources (videos, articles and books)  for parents around online safety