Digital Technology

Jason Mulder - Learning Specialist Digital Technologies

Where did my email/document go? 

Our Google Drive move and emails at HEPS


Last week, our school migrated from one Google space to another. I can hear you ask, what does this mean? Well, for some time now, HEPS has used its own form of storing its content, where staff uploaded, saved and accessed content. This was our own HEPS space or Google space, or as the tech gurus call it, our local tenant. Very safe and easy to use. Students had their own @heathmonteastps accounts and emails, and staff used one too. 


With the ongoing threats of data leaks, hacking and security concerns across the world, the DET (Department of Education) has been assisting schools move across to the government’s Google Drive. Teachers have had this space and access for years, although many schools have used their own. The introduction of further Child Safety requirements and new data, privacy and content controls, has meant that all schools must move across from their own tenant to the government’s one. Apparently the DET is the biggest user of Google in the Southern Hemisphere, so why not? It make’s sense.


For the past few months, we have had online meetings about our move: our existing content and shutting down our HEPS drive, Google Classroom access, dormant files, user mapping, phases of copying, access control and other important processes. Ming, our tech, has been through this process before with another school he works at. He has worked hard to minimise the impact on all of us, and I can say, has done a great job of that. The move has been rather smooth with only a few little hiccups. 


This move has brought some changes to how students and staff access and communicate. Students now use an account which gives them access to their own Google Drive and how they access Google Classroom. This account also allows students to access free Microsoft apps and programs. Students can log into Microsoft, on any device, and use Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc for free. No need to pay! Great idea. Further to this, students can access Minecraft Education, which students have been doing at HEPS with Mrs Dennis. 


Staff on other hand, have lost their accounts and emails. Staff were accessible with these and would communicate with families and students with this email. Compass is where teachers access students details and use the contact information to email parents/guardians. We all use this to find information about our students such as medical details and parent/guardian phone numbers. It is important that this information is there, and up to date. Parents please use Compass to email your child's teacher.


With this week’s legislation around contact outside work hours, it is important to understand and note, that staff at HEPS will respond to emails, but when they can and at a time that reflects their circumstances and commitments. I know there are days where I have had a before school meeting, then had to go straight to my classroom to let my class in and then taught all day without a break due to yard duty, maybe resolving an issue with students across the school, coached a sports team at lunch in readiness for this week’s Interschool Day, or had to help students with a tech need (or staff). The first time I might get to an email (or call) could be after our staff meetings/professional learning that concludes at 4.45pm. Then I might have to duck off home to do ‘dad duty’. Like all of us with our own kids, life doesn’t stop when we get home. 


The partnership between home and school is vital. We are lucky to have a wonderful school community who support us so well and respect our staff. We value your communication but that email that you sent, may not be our priority today. However, we will respond as soon as possible, and that’s okay.